Pager Pal holster--any good?

Marko Kloos

New member
I've had less than great success with it. The whole thing is uncomfortable with anything bigger than a PPK-sized pistol, and the draw is slow and awkward. Also, I've had the faux pager attachment come off and the gun slide down the pants on one occasion. Other folks swear by them, but I've long since sorted them into the "novelty" category, like ThunderWear.


New member
Pager Pal Holster

I had one a year or so ago. I could never use it comfortably. Whenever I wore it, it looked rather awkward because it always stuck out somewhat in an embarassing area of my anatomy.

When I sat down, it was very uncomfortable. Also, as said before, the phony pager snapped off a couple of times when I was wearing it.

All in all, you're better off with either an IWB holster and a real gun, or a Kel Tec P32 in a front pocket.


Dr. J

New member
I'm one of those who swear by them

Where I live, it's hot and humid most of the year, which means no jackets or sweaters, and usually I have to have a holster that will work with a tucked-in shirt. Pager Pal does what they say it does--keeps my MK9 concealed and available.

And, I find it to be comfortable--but that's only after wearing it a while. At first it was quite stiff and inflexible, but after a while the "pancake" conformed and the flexibility needed to sit comfortably developed.

Initially the weight of the MK9 caused a noticeable sag where it hooked over my belt. Easily solved with a good belt.

I also found that a real pager has a considerably stronger clip than the dummy pager that comes with the holster. Using the real pager has made the whole rig far more practical as well as stronger.

The draw is awkward and slow by a lot of standards. The solution here is practice, practice, practice. You can develop a reasonable time. Still, since it is a two-handed operation from a deep-cover position, it will never equal a single-hand draw from an open holster. Personally, I would much rather have a 9mm that it takes a second longer to draw than no gun, or a smaller caliber pocket gun which would, in many cases, also take longer to draw.


New member
I had a Pager Pal for several months, but I could never warm up to it. It was uncomfortable and hard to draw. I have much better with Thunderware for deep concealment.


Moderator Emeritus
I've got one; bought it from a fellow TFLer. :)

For what little I've worn it, I've liked it. It certainly does take a while to break in and get used to. The first thing I did was replace the fake pager with a real one. One with a strong clip will do wonders in comparison. If the clip is designed right, there's no way it will detach from the rest of the holster.

I would recommend you buy one used. Post a WTB in the Buy, Sell & Trade: Accessories Forum. For about $25-$35 dollars, you might just like it. If not, no great loss.
I have one and concluded that you have to be at least medium frame and carry a gun no larger than a PPK. Loose pants are a must otherwise lest one suffers public humiliation (or sneers).


New member
I have one for limited use. If any of my time is going to be spent sitting the Pager Pal is NOT a consideration. It is uncomfortable and impossible to draw from while seated. If you are going to be standing, talking to people, where deep concealment is a must then the Pager Pal is an option. I don't wear it with any pants that have a belt, then I have the option of pocket or belt carry, but for drawstring pants or jogging shorts and a t-shirt it is a viable option for carry.

Steve Smith

New member
I put one on at a gun wife said, "Boy you sure look happy!" I gave the Pager Pal a toss and never looked back. It just doesn't work with jeans, unless you wear them 4 sizes too big.

Fudgie Ghost

New member
Thanks for for the feedback gentleman. It looks like I may be vacationing in FLA this summer, and I was considering a Pager Pal due to what I would be wearing most of the time; shorts and such. Think I may take BluesMan's advice and try to pick one up used--add it to the collection.


New member
I saw a guy demo pagerpal at a gunshow. Looked rather uncomfortable, and it was obvious something was going on under the pager. With drawstring type shorts/swim trunks, I have found Thunderwear to work well, especially with a J frame revolver, as well as a g 26/27.


New member
Pager Pal CCW Holster

When considering a Pager holster remember, YOU DON'T WANT TOO MANY "THINGS" INSIDE YOUR TROUSERS...


New member Pain Pal is what I call it.

I should have never bought one because while I was messing with it at the gun show, I somehow cut my finger on the clip and bled all over the holster. I should have taken this as a bad omen.

It hurt me in places I never knew I could hurt. Strangers were scared to stand near me and little ol ladies look at me as though I was some pervert. The fake pager drew ill concealed snickers from onlookers, wondering who I though I was fooling. The leather raised the temperature in that tender area a good bit more than the outside area, putting the prospect of having future heirs in jeopardy. It creaked and squeaked whenever I sat down, again drawing whispers and raised eyebrows. I finally donated it to my doggy, who enjoyed the taste of salty leather immensely, leaving me happy enough that at least someone got some enjoyment out of it.

Needless to say..My G27 had to find a new home!

Good Shooting