Pagans With Guns

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Hunter Rose

New member
The "Winter Solstice" thread got me to thinking: is there any interest out there in pagan gunowners mailing list? I'd be willing to set up and run such, if people are interested in having something like that. Opinions?

Suggestions for names (I like PGIG: Pagan Gunowners Internet Group) would also be appreciated...


New member
Keep me in mind;


New member
GOW (Gon owning Wiccans)
DWF (Druids with firearms)
COFO (Coven of Firearms Owners)

I like the pentacle on that revolver. It is silver, right?

Nanaimo Barr

New member
sign me up! and those are GEORGOUS grips Riddle!!!! I wonder if I can get a set for my toys...

"GPP" "Gun Powder Pagans"

"P3" "Pcube" Pistol Packing Pagans (My wifes vote)

"GoG" "Guns of the Goddess"

"WAW" "Well Armed Wiccans"

"HAH" "Heavely Armed Heathens"

(I like COFO too!)

hmmm, now you got me thinking Riddle.. a Blessing for a firearm.....


New member
Personally I think all S&W pistols should have pentagrams on them. Imagine the state police trying to buy them then! hahaha

Hunter Rose

New member
well allright then...

Guess I'll have to set up a mailing list! I'll get it set up on Smartgroups for now (haven't had any problems with them, on the lists I currently have through them). Should have that done in time for Christmas morn!

Those are AWESOME grips! Have to see ifn I can do something similar for my SP101 (maybe the 'Mag as well!)...

Now I'm off to look for IMR's website. I'll take care of the list right away too, and post the info for it...

Hunter Rose

New member
well that's done...

Ok... we have a home (other than TFL... home away from home?). The Coven of Firearms Owners is now an official list on Smartgroups. If it does well (lotsa talk, more members), I'll go ahead and move it to a pay server...

Invites have gone out to:
Cain R
Nanaimo Barr

If I missed anyone (or any of y'all find another warm body to join), let me know!

Ifn ya'd like to subscribe yourself, here's the info: Go to and join the group or New members can email

BTW: COFO got chosen because it got more than one vote (we can probably change ot later, if necessary)...

Nanaimo Barr

New member
hehe you ain't seen NOTHING yet Tamara..
"lefthanded red headed Ruger owning Diamond earing wearing 97% straight Family traditional Chinese Wiccans"

THATS a niche market!!!!!!!!!


I am kinda suprised at how many of "us" are here. more ammo to fight the antis with "not all gun owners are Right Wing Ultra Conservitive Christians, some are Witches and Druids and Pagans (OH MY!)"

Hunter Rose

New member
Right Wing Ultra Conservitive Christian gunowners

Actually Nanaimo, I keep telling people that we need to find representatives of three groups for counterdemonstrations and such: women, blacks, and gays. The three "power groups" of the liberal left! Not to say I expect those groups to ever become predominatly pro-gun, but more a show that gunowners come from all walks of life...

Something else I've been doing is making sure my wife spends some time helping hand out WCCA lit at gunshows. Let's face it... most guys are MUCH more willing to accept a sheet of paper from her than me ;)

Nanaimo Barr

New member
exellent points Hunter.. question, WCCA??? I'm not familier with that.. and Rik.. would a Agnostics division be ok? (there is a branch of Paganisim called Discordianisim, basicaly, if we can't laugh at ourselves who can we laugh at, having an Agnostic devision would fit right in with that branch.. )

and with a women handing out the lit.. well, that kinda blows the idea of a lot of Big Time Feminists that women are too stupid to learn to use firearms....

Hunter Rose

New member
Nanaimo... WCCA is the Wisconsin Concealed Carry Assn (Monkeyleg's group). We're working hard to get CCW here in the cheddar state...

As far as the idea of "women can't learn guns"... I'd LOVE to be a spectator to some feminnazi telling Spoon (my wife, see below) that!!! :D


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