

New member
What is wrong with the website? I know it goes down ocassionally, but for three days straight, something don`t sound right. Anyone know what`s going on with the site?
The guy that runs it posted some time ago that his life had taken a different direction, or some such as that. Anyway, practically speaking, it's finished.


New member
:eek: He could have let someone else take it over for him, or sell the domain to someone else. That was a very useful site. Seems pretty stupid to just let it go and die off.


New member
I was really impressed with prior to getting my CCDW license. I though it was a great sight for state by state CCDW information. The gentleman that hosts is going to law school and packing isn't his priority. I hope he can at least get it back on-line. I know he did solicit for some tech type people to help keep it up and running. Might only visit once or twice a month but would hate to see it die. :(


New member

I agree it's unusual for PDO to be down this long. I dropped an email to Mark Solomon from his homepage so hopefully, he'll see it and at least make a phone call. Last time this happened (6 mos. ago?) I recall he was considering a change in hosting to give a more stable platform-it seems to have worked for a while, anyway. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll keep trying there.. and now will post here also, if I've anything to say.

Blessings, all