Pachmayr or Hogue?


New member
I am looking for a rubber grip that covers the backstrap to dampen recoil on a round-butt j-frame and am wondering what the peanut gallery thinks of the three-finger-size Hogue Monogrip versus the variety of Pachmayr offerings.
I don't know how the Pachmayr models compare in size, but I wouldn't want anything much larger than the Hogue Monogrip, which I've used before.


Mark B

New member
there may well be a hogue monogrip model that I am not aware of, but Hogues soft rubber generally don't cover the backstrap on S&Ws. For concealment the hard rubber, or wood is usually prefered due to them being less "sticky" with clothing. I prefer Hogues to Pachs simply because I like the texture and they give me more of a pinky finger grip.
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New member
Don't know if they make them for j-frames, but the Trausch grip is absolutely fantastic .. I have one on my 686+ and it makes shooting .357s painless ... covers the backstrap completely and has a small beavertail at the top to help control muzzle flip ... the only drawback for me is that it makes it hard to cock the hammer if I want to shoot SA ... not beautiful, but functions as designed ...


New member
I like Hogue grips. Have them on several guns.

IMHO putting such a large grip as described on a j-frame seems counter-productive.


New member
I've used Pachmayr on a couple guns and liked them. I won't say that they're better than Hogues. Try them on for size and pick the one that fits better.


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I like the Pachmeyers. They are already fitted for speed loaders. They feel good and take up most of the recoil of my .357 loads. Same loads sting with my Hogue grips.


New member
I agree with others. Depends on your hands. I have tried both, prefer Pachs for all of my S&W revolvers.


New member
IMHO putting such a large grip as described on a j-frame seems counter-productive.

If we wanted it to serve as a rabbit's foot, I would put smooth wood varnished magna grips on it and be done.

I don't shoot it very well with the rubber Hogue bantam grip and my wife doesn't shoot it well with the smooth wooden banana/three-finger grips that I like. My complaint is that I can't get a pinky on it, so it twists so much my thumb gets chewed by the cylinder release. Hers is that the backstrap smashes into her hand and that she can't get a good grip on the smooth wood.

She likes the revolver otherwise, so we're working on a solution because she won't train with it as is and she won't carry until she feels competent/confident in her abilities with it. My goal is to get the wife to this point, which is great in of itself and gives me leverage to get a new pistol for myself once she takes "my" carry gun. Work with me, people.

So this takes us to the original question.

I should have pointed the question better at the various Pachmayr models to see if anyone had a recommendation for something to compare against the Hogue Monogrip (which does cover the backstrap) that would serve to dampen recoil, cover the backstrap, and allow a pinky without looking like the grip belongs on a .500 S&W.


New member
Houge grips just do not fit my hand comfortably at all. I like the Pachys. But, your hand may be the opposite.
Go to a dealer that has demo displays and try. Not the best approach but cheaper than what I did, namely keep buying grips until you find what you like.
BTW, I found soft rubber to be a big NO-NO for heavy recoil calibers like .44 mag. They can actually tear skin instead of slipping. Kinda takes the fun out of a shooting session. DAMHIK :(