PA-63 slide not staying open


New member
I got a PA63 a couple days ago, and it appeared to function flawlessly when originally handling it. Now, I just finished stripping it, cleaning out the cosmo, and while I did this the slide stop lever on the left side of the frame fell out. I popped it back in,which took a bit of twisting, and found that it was near impossible to reassemble. When I finally got it together, the slide won't stay locked back with a mag in the well. Any suggestions? Did I bend the slide stop or is there a secret I'm missing?

The hook-spring appears to be seated properly, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. The gunshop-owner/'smith can't figure it out either. I don't want to send the whole pistol back.


New member
There is a small spring that goes in between the leaver and frame if it isn,t in the right spot it wil not work. If this isn't the problem I don't know.
The one I have feeds HP ammo great ( well it is my wifes)


New member

Thanks for the info.... I actually finally got it working. Found out that the little hook-spring was a bit bent, causing it not to fully insert into the slot in the mag catch itself. Now it feeds great.....just waiting for the new springset that's supposed to lighten the recoil and trigger..... I was shocked at how uncomfortable it was to shoot....especially left-handed as the thumbrest pushes into the hand with every shot.


New member

I have thought about making me some walnut gripps for mine, just haven' got to it yet.
I lightned the trigger on mine by cutting the spring off by three coils, has a great trigger now.
I keep saying mine it is actually my wifes.