P99 in 9x21?


New member
Ok, help a dumb ol' boy out, here. What does a 9x21 equate to, and why would I want one? Just saw this on Earl's site, and was curious.

Also, does anyone know if the P99 comes in a totally OD finish on the slide, trigger, and backstrap? The only type I see is OD frame with black accents.


New member

IMNSLE the 9x21 and 9x19 are equal, unless a correct chamber is cut for the 9x21.

Actual testing..........(my Open gun is a 9x21).


New member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the 9x21 developed to get around those silly laws about civilians being banned from owning "military" caliber weapons???


New member
9x21 was a caliber used to get around the civilian military thing in europe. It gained some popularity in IPSC after USPSA banned 9mm major unless it was loaded out to 1.250.
In effort to get a higher capacity advantage 9x21 was loaded to 9x19 OAL and used in the Springfield P9, CZ75 and get major power factor.


New member
Ok, so what I'm hearing is that this is an entirely new round of ammunition, designed specifically for the Euro market, to circumvent their stupid laws.

Nice to see NJ isn't the only place with idiotic legislation. :rolleyes:

Does anyone have knowledge of the ballistics on 9x21, like velocity, and characteristics? Can you also shoot 9x19 in a 9x21, the way you can shoot .38's in a gun chambered for .357? Alternately, can you shoot 9x21 in a 9x19? (I tend to think not, but had to ask anyway)


New member
Ok, so what I'm hearing is that this is an entirely new round of ammunition, designed specifically for the Euro market, to circumvent their stupid laws.


Don't mark my words here, but I believe these "circumvention" rounds have been around for quite a while. The same in Italy, where they had a similar concept with a shorter .45acp round (.45acp Short?).
From what I understand, Italy did away with these silly laws and such made this particular round nearly obsolete.

Anyway, this concept has been practiced for decades, from my understanding.


New member
Ok, help a dumb ol' boy out, here. What does a 9x21 equate to, and why would I want one? Just saw this on Earl's site, and was curious.

The 9X21 equates to a case that is 2mm longer than the 9X19. You would want one because it's different.:p

Also, does anyone know if the P99 comes in a totally OD finish on the slide, trigger, and backstrap?

No, they do not.


New member
9x19 vs 9x21

No difference, just a longer case. Of course, counts on who makes it.

CAN fire 9x19 from 9x21, but case is held against breechface by extractor. Not recommended. 9x21 won't fit (presumably) in 9x19 chamber due to extra 2mm of case length.

I've made them on same press with ALL components exactly the same except case (and crimp, natch). Same ballistically. The true ADVANTAGE of the 9x21 is, in certain guns so modified, to allow long-loading the bullet for more case capacity. Lower pressure is the result.