P95 barrel alignment?


New member
I just bought a P95. If you point the unloaded gun at your face and look at the barrel, is it normal for the barrel to ride flush against the bottom of the front hole in the slide but have a small gap between the barrel end and the top portion of the hole in the slide (say 1mm)? It seems a little odd to me and my P90 is not like that but this is a "newer" design pistol. My P90 barrel is pretty much centered in the slide hole. Thanks for all the info.


New member
Yes my P95 is aligned like yours,the barrel looks like it is touching the bottom of the slide with a small gap between the top of the barrel and slide. I have over 10,000 rounds through mine with no problem's.

How does your's shoot? If it shoots fine then enjoy. Ruger built the P95 very tough!



New member
P95 Barrel

I also have a Ruger P95. Looks the same as you describe (not that I spend a lot of time looking into the barrel of a gun mind you!).

Only about 2K rounds so far, but more accurate than I.

Now if only I could do something about this gritty trigger...



New member
Thanks for the responses. I just got it so I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. I'm sure it'll do fine. Trust me, I'll be back here posting if I have a problem. This place is a tremendous resource.


New member
I finally found one.

Longship (AKA-NOBODY),

I have always wondered why someone would use different names on different forums? It has taken until now to find one of you. The question still remains.


New member
Yeah, That's me. I try to go by Nobody on any forum I list on but alas, on occassion someone else has already taken the name. The alias doesn't really matter because I list my name in the bio info anyway. I like the name Nobody because it's taken out of Greek mythology. When Ulysses and his men were captured by a cyclops and trapped in his cave for the night, Ulysses told him his name was Nobody (or No-One). While the cyclops slept, Ulysses and his men took a log and put out the cyclop's eye. When he screamed and his brothers came to assist they called to him from outside of his cave. All the cyclops kept saying was Nobody is killing me do you understand? Nobody, ahhhh. Well, I always thought that was hilarious but I have a sick sense of humor.

Hence why I go by Nobody. Longship is my other alias because similar to the vikings of old, my computer takes me all over the world to trade and raid. Sort of a 21st century digital longship.

Now you know, and you'll probably never ask again, eh?


Retired Screen Name
I've had two 95s and both looked the same, maybe its due to the tilting of the barrel during the firing cycle, rack the slide, lock it open and you will see it. All semi autos will exibit this charachteristic to some degree if they use some form of a "Browning" tilting block recoil design. My Glock 17 does the same thing although it is not as pronunced.