P9 Covert


New member
I keep reading about the "P9 Covert", yet cannot find anything on Kahr's sight concerning it as an option, nor a specific company that builds the covert. Instead I find posts about chopping frames to the length of the PM to create a Covert. How did this project become the Covert?
I do like the concept. Kahr did an exceptional job of keeping the overall length down despite the longer than comparable models. Outside of the "break-in period", people seem to be more than pleased with their functon and accuracy. Especially if it is done with the CW models for a reasonable price.
I'm not so sure what to think about it being a garage project. There are no room for errors, and it must be 99% perfect for me to be satisfied.


New member
The Kahr factory did produce a model called the "covert" which was a K9 chopped down to a MK9 grip. The name covert has been adopted by all who chop their Kahrs down. To my knowledge, Kahr never produced a P9 covert. Doing your own conversion on the polymer guns is pretty easy.
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