?? P7M8 mag disassembly ??


New member

I've been using my P7M8 for local IDPA matches with great success and plan on taking it down to Blackwater Lodge for the IDPA shoot Aug 12-13. Since I've never used the P7 in an outdoor match, I'm a bit concerned about dropping my magazines in the dirt. I have several magazines which are for range/IDPA use and thus I don't worry too much about them getting banged up. Getting sand and grit in them, however, might impair their functionality (it's a two day shoot, I don't want my mags to go down on day one).

As these thoughts developed over the past couple of days, I realized an embarrassing fact: I've never taken a P7 magazine apart and have no idea how to do so!!

Thus, I'm hoping that some of the more experienced P7-types out there might be able to help educate me. What's the procedure for breaking down the P7 magazine? What basic maintenance steps do you take? How do you clean large amounts of sand and dirt out of the magazines when necessary? Any input would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

- Jawper
If I remember correctly, you flip the magazine over, use a tool to push in on the button on the base plate, slide the baseplate off, and empty the guts of the magazine out.

Keep a good eye on how it goes together.

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.


New member
Yes, and pay attention how the end of the spring rests underneath the follower. Then, I spritz a little MPro7 in there and swab it out with a bore patch wrapped around the end of a toothbrush. I use an M16 toolbrush, the one with a single row of bristles on one end, mostly; but, an old .38 or 9mm bore brush will also work well too. Then use a dry patch, or two, to finish it up. The sidewalls should be nice and shiny inside when held up to the light.

I do not apply any lube inside the mag, as I think it just attracts more dust/dirt. If you find any sign of corrosion in yours, you must try to use the bore brush and solvent to remove it. Then, you may want to lube it lightly to help prevent any more from happening. :)