
New member
Folks: I'm looking seriously at buying a P7M8. I know its a great self defense gun. Has it turned out to be a competitive gun in IDPA (assuming the shooter does his/her part)? Thanks in advance for your input! Dennis


New member

I don't have my rule book handy, but I am pretty sure it will have to be shot in ESP. 1911's are CDP, so you won't be shooting against them unless they are something less than .45s.
As far as competition, the problem is that you have an 8 round mag in a class that allows 10 round mags, so, depending on the course, you may wind up having to do extra reloads compared to everyone else. That being the case, it is not the optimum IDPA gun, but IDPA is a great way to keep sharp with it if you buy it as a carry gun.
I got really curious and bought one and kept it long enough to shoot it a bit. It is really a novel weapon, a joy to shoot and own (but not to clean). I sold it after I shot it awhile, it didn't really fill a niche for me and the manual of arms was so different than what I carry normally.


New member
It would have to be ESP. It isn't a revolver, it isn't a .45, it isn't DA, that removes it from SSR, CDP, and SSP, so the only thing left is ESP. I guess they could call it SSP and consider it like a DA that someone cocked before firing, but it can't be fired without being cocked fist, so I would call it ESP.


New member
i sent an email to idpa this is what they said

The HK-P7 will go in Enhanced Service Pistol Division.


Dru Robbins

IDPA Coordinator

Texas Bob

New member
MY solution, shoot a P7M13 in idpa, and ccw a P7M8. Before I got my M13 I competed for years with my M8 because this is what I ccw. I did not start in idpa to "win" anything, I only use it to practice with what I ccw. IMHO there is no other idpa pistol that will allow a quicker mag change or the ease of weak hand manipulation. The only downside of the P7 series(besides $) is to use it well you must be willing to be seduced by the dark side. Wait for the day the senerio calls for weak-hand -only shooting AND reloading, try it, you'll like it!:D


New member
I believe it is on the website under the rules section. It's kind of buried but I think where it defines ESP, it gives the P7 as an example of a pistol used in this class.

I'm guessing that the USP could be SSP if you start in DA and ESP if you start in C&L/SA?


New member

For those researching it, aside from the E-mail from IDPA HQ, the answer is on page 10/11 of the 050201 Rule Book and Club Manual.
krept-your "guess" about the USP classification for the USP is correct.
Texas Bob-you have the best answer. You also have an awfully expensive answer.
Now I miss the P7 I sold...


New member
I ran a guy through the Classifier last week who was shooting a P7. He said it was originally in SSP, then allowed in both SSP and ESP, then moved to ESP. Sounds like IDPA's tendency is "when in doubt, it's ESP".