P7 vs p2000 for CCW


New member
I just sent off my CCL application a few day ago and I am now looking for a carry gun. Right now my top to options are the p7 and the p2000 by H&K. I found a hard chromed p7 online for $760 plus shipping and transfer fee. My other option is a p2000 for $700 plus tax and transfer fee. I have fired a p7 before and rather enjoyed it (amazing trigger). I have not fired a p2000 before and never tried the LEM trigger before. I did get to fondle a p2k at the last gun show and the grip was one of the best I have ever felt.

For magazines it looks like the p2000 ones cost at most half as much as the p7 ones. And there seem to be more holster options for the p2000. The p2000 is lighter but does it lose this advantage when fully loaded (13+1 vs 8+1)? Generally I don't think about these things much but my FFL seems to be worried about another standard cap magazine ban and is pushing me toward the double stack gun. But then again the P7's aren't getting any more common either.

What are your opinions on these two guns? does anyone have pics of them side by side since I am in Florida and not very large (5'11" 160#'s. ) so concealment is an issue.

On a side note I am considering the Glock 19 as a dark horse. A gen 4 Glock 19 with a 22 conversion costs about the same as the HK's.


New member
I have a P7 and a P2000 sk. They're both fine carry guns. The P7 is very slightly thinner in the grip, perhaps 1 mm. The P7 weighs 34 oz loaded, the P2000sk weighs 29 oz loaded. Two great choices!


New member
If you buy the P7 you'll never regret it. Hopefully it will come with more than one mag, because you are right. Those buggers are expensive.


New member
The P7 has many more parts and is an older design gun, meaning with parts breakage, however unlikely, it's a little more difficult to get repaired. Things do happen, you know. The P2000, being a newer design is easier to fix, it's easier to clean and maintain ( imo) and less likely to have any kind of breakage if problems do occur. the P2000 hold 13 rounds vs. 8 for the P7. I really like the squeeze-cock manual of arms on the P7 but point and pull the trigger on a P2000 is simple too. The P2000 fits my hand as well as does the P7 though the bore axis is not as low. I have small hands, also. I don't think the weight thing matters between the two if you have a good holster and belt.
I have the DA/SA on my P models but the LEM is great. You really have to shoot an LEM to understand how it works in reality. All the reading in the world is no substitute. There is a " light " LEM as well. Things are always more complicated than it seems. If you need more info. on the LEM versions, go over the the HKPro.com boards and read in depth about this and holsters until you are sick of reading. Then pay your money. Just my opinion. Others may differ of course.


New member
I feel pretty fortunate. I walked into my local gun store yesterday and eyed a P7 M8 with virtually no wear, plum slide with mill mark. The store had just one mag and no box. I traded him for my Hk P2000 v3 +25 bucks. The P2000 was a nice handgun, but I'm a huge fan of the P7 and it was a no brainer.


New member
I have a high opinion of both the P2000 and the P7. Some points about these guns.

* Holster availability for the P2000 is much higher than for the P7.
* The P2000 is easier to maintain. The P7 takes some extra time and care.
* The P7 gets hot quickly, whereas the P2000 can go all day. This heat issue only affects range time but it is a factor.
* The P7 is heavier.
* P7 mags are a bit harder to find and are really expensive.

On a personal note, I find the P7 trigger too light for my liking as a CCW, but that's just me. Having lived through numerous weapons drawn and adrenaline pumping events, I prefer a heavier trigger.

I'd also select the P2000sk over the P2000, as it is that much more concealable due to it's smaller size.

If you do buy the P7, be sure to look for the tools you'll need, or buy them afterwards, but add that cost into your comparison... about $25.

Inspect the piston. It should have sharp rings. Carbon between the rings is normal. This is a clean, but used, piston.
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New member
You need both. If you want a P7 ,get it while you can . I prefer the P7PSP for CCW over the P7M8 ,due to the heel mag release . The P7 is most likely the safest pistol ever made . You may also want to check out the H&K USP c in 45acp ,it is a larger but in the right holster it is not bad . A hard chromed P7PSP in a DelFatti IWB holster is the cats *** ;)
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New member
Got to the store....

I found a gun shop not too far of a drive from me that happen to have all three guns I mentioned in the OP on hand for me to fondle...err.....yea fondle. As much as I love the p7 holding it next to the p2000 I knew I had to go with the p2000. The grip felt better the trigger was almost as good and it was much lighter than the p7. I am sure there is still a p7 in my future somewhere but for now the p2000 is the gun for me.

Hold them side by side the Glock was a distant third. If someone gave me one id be happy but its not worth it otherwise.


New member
The extra rounds in the Glock are tempting but the p2000 already holds a lot more than the p7 (which has plenty for me) so I am not too worried about it. :D


New member
I have both the P7 and Glock 19.

The P7 shoots better, is more accurate when firing deliberately and slowly, and has a different (better) snap. It is the superior gun for shooting.

I tend to carry my G19 instead. Its lighter, carries more ammo, and is easier to clean. Note...I will NEVER get rid of my P7. It is still too awesome, even if it spends more time in the safe than the G19.

The factors that make the P7 superior are great at the range. But those factors would not matter as much if I actually had to use it in a self defense situation.

Also...it is maddening that the holsters and mags are difficult to get, and more expensive for the P7. Expect to always spend more on everything.


On the reliability front, both my P7 and G19 have never failed.


New member
I was shooting one of my P7's at my range recently and the guy next to me had an HK P30. I offered to let him shoot my P7, so he let me shoot his P30. Great gun! However, I didn't like the trigger nearly as much as the P7. Just too much take up in single action. Plus I like the way the P7 transmits recoil as I can stay on target better. YMMV, but I'd go P7.

The stories on the heat and complexity are way overblown. You can get two surplus P7 PSP's for near the price of a new P2000.

Sgt Pepper

New member
P7. Nobody will remember the P2000 in years to come, but the P7 is the stuff legends are made of. The downside to the P7 is that it is heavy compared to today's polymer guns and holds half (or less) the rounds of most doublestack pistols. Other than that, there is no downside. Accurate as a laser beam and incredibly manageable recoil because it is all in your hand and not above it. Glocks are a whole 'nother consideration.


New member
I carry a P7 in a MTAC holster and love it. It fits very well, so the holster argument didn't get too far with me. I carry at about 4 o'clock.




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Active member
That picture above said it all for me - too big for my purposes. I was considering one for carry, but it's just too big.


New member
P7 too big for CCW??? It's nearly a sub-compact sized gun! I CCW mine all the time and I believe it to be the ultimate for CCW. It's not much larger than my Walther PPS and much smaller than the P2000.


Active member
P7 too big for CCW??? It's nearly a sub-compact sized gun! I

It's too big for my purposes - but that doesn't mean it's too big for CCW. I'm sure it can be done. But, I wear tucked-in dress shirts, slacks and often a tie. My best option is pocket carry, or something like thunderwear. Looking at the P7, it just looks too big - plus I've handled several and they are not that compact. If I could afford a Rohrbaugh R9, that's about the size of what I want to carry. For now, I carry an AMT .45 Backup - size is ok, but its heavy.


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I think the P7 is ideal for standard IWB holster carry. Definitely not small enough for pocket carry or anything like that. I still find it fine for a single t-shirt in the summer though.


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Another point to consider about a H&K P7, is it is fully ambidextrous, I have no knowledge of the P2000 so I can't answer to it, but I do have a H&K P7 PSP, great gun, and I do prefer it to the M8, in this case I like the magazine release better, but when you get into the larger frame weapons, I love the H&K USP compact.