P7 PSP, before and after


New member
Had a thread a while ago about a P7 PSP I'd picked up on GB. It was blued over OD green, which I found different but not particularly appealing. I decided to change it around a bit.

Before, with stock grips and blued over OD:


After, with Nill grips and a Hard Chrome treatment from Chris Peters at Metaloy:



Granted, the Nill grips make it a bit thicker, but I have long fingers and it actually fits my hand (and points) better with them.

Note that Chris Peters quoted me a three-week turnaround time, and he met that time. I am quite happy with Metaloy.



New member

I have one of the imported ones that were refinished with the plum-colored slide and have thought about doing something with it.



New member
Wow, what a change. Talk about an ugly duckling transformed into the swan.

that were refinished with the plum-colored slide

The plum color is the original finish. Some people like it, some don't.


New member
Thanks, all.

I am pleased with it.

Thinking about doing one of my other P7s in Black Chrome; its original bluing is blemished on the slide. That project may wait for next year, though.


New member
After having cleaned my P7 today, I have to say that I like what you've done. Nice contrast.

Just those grips alone with my original finish would make it look much better.


New member
"Had a thread a while ago about a P7 PSP I'd picked up on GB." [MLeake]

Missed that auction and don't recall your earlier thread, which may have answered my queries. Is that olive drab P7 a military issue? German Special Forces ?

Fascinating piece... never seen one in OD before.


New member
OcelotZ3, here is a comparison with factory blue, so you can see how both look with the Nill long rhomlas HK logo grips:


Seaman, the seller didn't mention how the pistol came to be OD'd.

When I discovered we were having a baby, I started thinking the P7 system might be a good idea. I lock guns up, that are not on my person, but I also believe in Murphy. So, it struck me that guns a toddler's hand could not activate (fit around the grip and apply 8-10 pounds of force) would add another layer to my prevention plan.

I am gearing toward primarily carrying P7s.

Speaking of having a baby...


Born last Tuesday. Wife wants me to wait until the little guy turns 7, to teach him how to shoot, but that will be another thread...


New member
Congratulations. Beautiful child.

Recently gave my Browning BL22 to one of my sons so he can, one day, teach my now 8 month old grandson safety and shooting and freedom to K&BA.
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