P7 Owners: Too hot to handle?


New member
How many rounds can you put through your P7 (P7PSP, P7M8, P7M13, or P7M10) before it gets too hot to comfortably fire any more. I've found that about 40-50 rounds is about all my P7M13 can handle before it gets too hot.

Also, are there certain types of ammo that don't heat up the gun as much, or is there anything else that you can do to keep the gun cool. Thanks.


New member
Sounds about right.

Only solutions are for you to buy an extra P7, wear gloves, or tape over your fingers.


New member
I have found that +P ammo seems to cause my P7s to heat up faster. Fifty rounds of somewhat rapid fire makes the frame plenty hot. Does this make me hate P7s? Nope. I like them a lot. I have six.


New member
Anyone that says a P7 gets to hot to shoot must be a real wus. My wife will put 100-150 rounds through hers before I have to tell her to put it down and shoot something else while it cools off.


New member
I can shoot 75 to 100 rounds of standard pressure ammo (Winchester white box or PMC) before I have to stop.

+P heats it up way faster. :eek:

Greg Bell

New member

The P7 starts getting too hot around 50-70 rounds. I find that it takes longer if you only load 4 rounds per mag. I usually put up 2-3 targets and practice draw-fire-reload-fire. Doing this I can get 100 or so rounds of fire (but the trade-off is sore thumbs). However, this method also help tame the ol' "spray and pray" instinct.



Your wife is a tough woman. Perhaps she has some sort of nerve damage--see if you smell anything cooking next time you shoot with her. :D


New member
First time at the range with mine I put my trigger finger straight along side the frame outside the trigger guard after shooting about 100 rounds. That was a "self correcting" mistake.


New member
50-70 rounds is about right in moderate rapid fire.

I just let it cool off while I shoot one of my other guns.

I love the P7 -- even with all of its excentricities... :)

Jay C

New member
Shooting winchester "White Box" I can get through about 70rds before it becomes uncomfortable. I always bring along at least 1 other 9mm and a couple of .22lr to ues while I let it cool in between use, Otherwise my range time would be cut pretty short.


New member
Another question: Why does the P7 heat up like this? I have plenty of other guns, and none of them have this "eccentricity". What is it about the P7 that makes this happen?


New member
Something due to it's gas-piston operation system (delayed blowback). This uses ignition gases to operate the slide/reloading sequence. Extremely fast & reliable, but heated gas inside metal gun makes it hot.

This is different from the majority of pistols which uses recoil for operation of the slide.


I don't think I've ever got my P7 too hot to shoot. I must be shooting to slowly, attempting to hit what I'm aiming at.:)

The temperature of the weapon has little to do with the number of rounds fired and everything to do with the rate of fire. I would think you could get the gun ridiculously hot on two mags if fired at 1000 rpm.

I've never found this to be a big criticism for a defense weapon. Most people don't carry 10 loaded magazines on their person, so the ability to shoot it too hot doesn't exist on the street.


New member
C'Mon, ya big Nancy boys!
Wrap a Band-Aid or a piece of tape around that middle finger if it gets too hot for ya, ya girlie-men!

Just kidding.

The P7 CAN get a little hot, but I've only had it burn the skin off my finger once (truly), during an extended rapid fire class with Dennis Tueller, which raised a large heat blister.
In real life, it'd never be an issue.
And the point has been made many times that if your P7 gets too hot during practice, then you need to get a second one to shoot while the first cools off!



New member
I don't normally carry my P7 (specifically, a P7M13) because it is rather heavy compared to some of my other guns (P99, Glock, etc.). However, if I did, and I was to carry my extra mags (I have 3 13 round mags), I'd have 40 rounds total (3 mags of 13 plus one in the pipe). And again, this is a big hypothetical for me, although more of a reasonable scenario for a LEO, if I was to be involved in a gunfight, the gun could get too hot with just the ammo I was carrying. Don't get me wrong, I still love the gun, but are there any LEO's carrying P7's out there?


New member
Well I went to Blackwater Training Center with a New Jersey State Policeman who brought his standard issue P7-M8 with him. His duty rig consisted of the loaded gun and 4 spare magazines. His double mag pouch was sub-divided where it carried 2 mags in each pouch. This gave him a full load of 41 rounds on his person. We fired about 1200 rounds over the course of 3 days. There were some times when we were shooting really fast. We fired on something they called a "Rogers Range" that was a computer controlled range with steel targets that randomly popped up, then fell when you shot them, then randomly reset themselves until you shot them again. We shot on this range until we ran out of loaded magazines. Then we loaded 'em up as fast as we could, and did it again...over and over...we ran through a lot of ammo.

The point to all this is that the guy with the P7 did not once make any comment about his gun getting hot.


New member
PSP doesn't even have the plastic trigger heatshield, it'll get hot.

As said before, it is recommended to put some tape around fingers when taking part in long strings of fire. If you attend any of the pistolcraft classes available, strongly suggested to throw box of bandaids or roll of surgical tape into shoooting kit.


New member
I have found the plastic heat shield on the M8/M10/M13 to be useless, because the area that gets very hot, at least for me, is the bottom of the trigger guard that touches the middle finger of the shooting hand, and the index finger of the supporting hand. I don't find my P7 PSPs any more uncomfortable to shoot than my other P7s. In fact, the P7 PSP is my favorite.