P7 or P226 - Which would have a better trigger


New member
I'm considering a HK P7 or a Sig P226 previously owned. I'm wondering which would have the better trigger.

From what I'm reading they would both be very accurate. Sounds like the P7 is a little more involved when it comes to cleaning. They seem to be in the same price range used. Any thoughts about the triggers, or the two pistols in general?


Jim Watson

New member
My P7's trigger was very light for a service pistol. Except for a little European "softness" it was no heavier than my 1911 IDPA gun. If they were more common, the experts would be telling us they were dangerous to carry.


New member
I'm not a fan of the P7 - because it doesn't fit my hand very well - but I don't think its a bad gun.

I think the triggers are a toss-up / especially if you consider the Sig 226 DA/SA trigger - and shoot it primarily in SA. The 226 is a double stack, its heavier and I think the fit and finish on the Sig 226 is better. Personally, I think the P7 compares better to the Sig 239 ( which is a single stack ) - but I still give the Sig 239 a slight edge over the P7.

A good gunsmith - can clean up the trigger on the Sig 226 a little - if you want - but I find them acceptable.

Another option in terms of single stack 9mm's - is to look for a 1911 - Kimber, Springfield, etc ( maybe $ 800 - $1,000 ) and it will give you a better trigger hands down, in my opinion, to either the H&K or a Sig. Wilson Combat and many others make 1911's in 9mm - and I think they are great guns - and I'm seeing more used Colts, Springfields, Kimbers etc around in 9mm lately. I saw a used Kimber Aegis 9mm the other day in one of my local shops - good clean gun - for $850 - and I think it was the 4" version ( not sure ) but I thought it was a good buy.

chris in va

New member
The standard Sig SA trigger is extremely crisp with no creep or grit. My 220 has a better letoff than my old j-frame. DA pull is stiff.

That being said, I was highly impressed with the P7 I had the chance to fire. Every shot is SA, but safe with the squeeze cocker. Fascinating.

There are a ton of 226's out there. Go for the P7.

Sgt Pepper

New member
P7. As stated, the P7 trigger is single action and awesome. Points and shoots like a dream. I disagree with the fit and finish remark. Materials and craftsmanship on the P7 are stellar. Prices right now are too good to pass up.


New member

I have three HK P7's and the single action trigger on all three are excellent. Plus the inherent accuracy of the P7 platform is because of the overall design of the firearm, of which the excellent trigger is just a part.

I'd be the first to say that there are many other options available that are better, overall, than the HK P7, primarily because of the improvements over the decades since the HK P7 was designed, BUT having said that, IF you like the "squeezecocker aspect", can stand the heat buildup (which is not even a factor until 4-6 mags are fired rapidly in sequence) and think a single stack 9mm with a capacity of 8-1 is sufficient for personal defense (I do) you'd be hard pressed to find a more desirable, higher quality,more accurate pistol than the HK P7.

Just personal opinion, no offense intended.

Best Wishes,




New member
Get a P7 before they dry up!

I have not found the cleaning regimen to be onerous. But then I came to it from revolvers, so I'd been used to cleaning five or more chambers.:D

I have not fired the P226. I can, though, attest to the P7 as having a wonderful trigger. I don't find it quite as crisp as the single action pull in a good auto or tuned 1911, but that's not to say it isn't crisp. It is certainly smooth and extremely predictable. That plus the fixed barrel makes for tight little groups.

As to fit and finish: while I can't brag about the functional but inelegant finish HK applies to the P7, there is no production pistol that can match it for fit.


New member
Your comparing apples to oranges here in respect to the triggers. Both have decent triggers, and one will seem to be "better" to shooters who are not DA shooters.

Both are great guns, one will basically require you to dedicate yourself to it if you want to bet your life to it, the other, not.

The P226 will give you more options and flexibility in calibers, as well as capacity.


New member
Thanks everyone.
I was all set to get one from CDNN but they won't sell to Maryland residents. So my alternatives are more expensive.
I saw a very nice used Sig 229 today that had a Hi-vis from sight installed and the slide had been redone in some Teflon coating (M3 or something). Came with 6 mags for $900. I figure a few mags could be sold to offset the price.
So I'm unsure what I want to do right now.


New member
A better comparison would be the Sig P228 which I also own. It sits in the safe while I carry a CZ-75D PCR or HK P7. Yes the Sig has higher capacity but shoot a P7 and feel the lack of muzzle flip and the recoil going straight into your arm and you will be sold.