P38 carry pistol!!!


New member
Yup, I'm gunna do it!!! I have a Bianchi Mod 7 pancake that fits it like a glove. I've function tested it with Federal 135gr Hydro Shoks, and today the P38 goes out as my CCW pistol!!! Just wait till WR hears about this one. He'll have a fit!!! :p

Shields up, Phasors, Mr Chekov... Hold her steady as she goes, Mr Sulu. :D


New member

I'm impressed! I would never do it, mainly because my P.38 is in near mint condition, but I'll have to say you've got class! I wonder what the bad guy is going to think when you pull a P.38 out on him?? Aw, what am I thinking, BG's don't have any class, so they probably won't know what a P.38 is.



New member
Carry the P-5 more modern pistol and smaller. My P-5 is a fabulous pistol and shoots anything. Carry the P-5.

Marko Kloos

New member
My best bet is that he carries the P-38 instead of the P-5 because he owns a P-38. ;)

There's nothing wrong with toting a P-38, it's a classic and battle-proven design like the 1911. If you can shoot it well and feel comfortable with it, more power to ya.


New member
Cocojo: I do own the P5, and yes I do carry it!!!:) Albeit, it's a very recent addition to my collection. I used to carry the G26, but it was confiscated by my wife. Hence, the search for a new carry pistol. I think that the P5 will indeed do very nicely. :)

lendringser: I just got it. You know I have to carry it!!!

P99: Yeah, I got one of those too. As soon as I get another holster for it, (This is my second one. I sold my first one in a fit of anger when I found out that %&^ took over importing them. :mad: ) I plan to carry it too!!!!! My P38 is a post war P1 made in 1980, and issued to the West German army. So, it is definitely a shooter!!! No historical value here.


Does your P38 chamber JHP ammo?
I have ACC41 in almost mint condition (bought on estate sale for $350 halve a year ago :) ) that functions with FMJ but does not work with JHP.
P38n is actually a good pistol. The only thing is that it is large for a singlr stack 9mm. Quite heavy too.


New member
Try the P-5 with other brands..like Cor-bon and you will likely find it wont feed properly... I love Hydra-shocks, but these feed so smoothly compared to other HP's that it is not a benchmark for the rest.

Otherwise enjoy the p-38. I know the rest of y'all will love the P-5


New member
If I know that a certain brand, or type
of ammo will not function in a pistol, why in God's name would I try to use it, except to verify that it doesn't work???? :eek: :confused:

I thought that the idea was to find what works, and go with it!!!!!!!! :)