p345 not staying cocked


New member
so I took my p345 to the range the other day and about half the time the hammer wouldn't stay cocked while firing, basically making it a DAO. any idea of what could be causing this?


New member
While not the same problem I had with my P345, I agree with the other posts, send it to Ruger. They handled my problem like a top notch company and I could not be more happy with them! I love the way it fits my hand and shoots, now that it is reliable also, it is back in my nightstand. Give them a call, you will not be sorry. Take care...Jeff


New member
My P345 did the same thing when the magazine disconnect safety plunger broke. You may want to check yours. If you have dry fired your gun without an empty mag than you may have broken yours.

Either way, you need to send it in to Ruger. This is not a safe condition that could cause an AD. Stop using it and send it in.


New member
if the only thing broken is the mag disconnect how could that cause an ND? it still has the internal trigger safety so the only way it could go off is if I pulled the trigger. many people choose to remove this "feature" (I see it as more of a burden) as it doesn't make the gun any more safe but just makes the gun more complicated, as is very prone to breaking. I may have dry fired it a few times but it shouldn't have been enough to cause damage, although that may very well be the case. I didn't sit here and do it over and over, just a small handfull of times to get a feel for the trigger.


New member
If you dry fired it even 1 time without the mag in the gun you may have damaged the gun. The 345 is ALMOST the perfect gun in my opinion. I had one for a brief period before Ruger warned not to dry fire and mine gave problems with very, very few dry firings. Mine would not let the firing pin hit the primer with enough force to reliably fire.

Ruger fixed it, but I could never trust it and sold it. I have been tempted to buy another and may well do so, but the mag safety will be removed before it is ever fired.


New member
Yeah definitely don't sell it because of this problem. I recently sold my P345 and miss it badly, it is one of my favorite handguns. Other then my $350 Steyr, its the best gun for the money period.


New member
I realize (now anyway) that any dry firing of the 345 can break the mag disconnect(though they may have fixed this) what I meant was it's not a very good system if it's that fragile. aside from the mag disconnect I think the 345 is a good gun. I did have a small number of jams that I believe were due to weak mag springs but after stripping the mags and gently stretching the springs I didn't have any problems.

something else I noticed while I had the slide off is the hammer stays cocked no prob so it would appear that the mag disconnect is the culprit
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I did have a small number of jams that I believe were due to weak mag springs but after stripping the mags and gently stretching the springs I didn't have any problems.
Any time a spring is stretched or compressed such that its length changes (to the point of deformation) it has been permanently and irreparably damaged. Stretching mag springs can result in improved performance initially, but ultimately it results in a decreased lifespan for the springs. If you believe you have weak springs they need to be replaced, there is no way to fix them by stretching them.

You can replace the springs with new Ruger springs, or if you believe your gun will work better with stronger springs you can purchase them from Wolff at the link below.


The Ruger SR9 and the P345 can both be damaged by dryfiring them without a magazine in place. The typical failure mode is that the pistol begins to misfire. I agree that the decision to implement the magazine safety in this manner was a poor one.


New member
You can replace the springs with new Ruger springs, or if you believe your gun will work better with stronger springs you can purchase them from Wolff at the link below.

you can also use 1911 mag springs and followers, I was planning on wilson combat