P32 Owners; Which Pocket Holster is Best?


New member
Everyone has their own preference depending on how they like to carry it. I prefer R.J. Hedley's holsters, either front or back pocket. The design of the back pocket holster makes it very easy to pull out the gun without having the holster come out with it.
See his site:



New member
Uncle Mike's Sidekick #1 pocket holster, model #87441 . The P32 fits perfectly and for about $11.00, you can't go wrong. It's the lightest most unobtrusive pocket holster on the market. The P32 disappears in your pocket.

RH Factor

New member
I have to admit..RJ hedley makes a great holster...but Ill give you an alternative...Ron Graham's holsters...besides the pocket styles..he has some nice belt types..and I have dealt with him and he's a very nice guy...but so is RJ....I wouls definately stick to these two gentleman.


New member
I have a Hadley that I carry in my back pocket, and it works very well. I'll have to recommend them as well.


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32 holster

i bought a ron graham front pocket holster.well made and works great.

for they shall sow the wind,and they shall reap the whirwind

Hosea 8:7

Kentucky Rifle

New member
RJ Hedley's "Back Pocket" model

You just couldn't ask for anything any better. He's designed it so it ALWAYS stays in your back pocket when you pull your pistol. (I have two.) Also, don't forget the little pocket mag carrier for keeping a spare mag free of pocket lint that you can buy with the holster. It's a very inexpensive little item that gets as much care in manufacture as one of his holsters. I know the man well. He takes a personal interest in every holster that leaves his shop. They are perfect!

Kentucky Rifle


New member

At the risk of being rude, I have never liked very many of the holsters I've had to choose from at local gun shows and I don't really trust them mail order. So I make them, which gives me full control of how they look and function. If you made your holster you would have similar control and could make it any way you wanted it.

A Kel Tec pocket holster is easy. Just a rectangle of leather folded over and some smaller pieces inside for support.

This is a holster I made some years ago when I had the Beretta model 21 and which works admirably for the Kel Tec. Just ignore the other one in the picture. ;)


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New member
I have been very satisfied with the Don Hume rear "Hip Pocket - 002" holster:

7th Fleet

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The Ken Campbell Custom pocket holster is an extremely high quality well engineered product at an affordable price. I carry mine daily and it has served me well...



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Back pocket holsters.
Does carrying in the back pocket cause any discomfort or damage to the gun when sitting on it?


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I suppose you could damage your gun if you were sitting directly on it. If you have deep back pockets I suppose that could happen. Sit down with your wallet in your back pocket, do you have your weight directly on your wallet? Probably not.


New member
Carrying in the back pocket is slightly less comfortable than a wallet, but its not bad. I frequently carry this way and have never caused any damage to the weapon.


New member
Try a Pager Pal© holster for such a small gun. You'll never use anything else again. Complete concealment, very comfortable and immediate access. No wardrobe change required; don't even need a belt with jeans. Gun won't print at all (will work up to a really small 9mm. I use one with a Kahr MK9 and it doesn't print).


I posted this in the Gear & Accessories forum, and I think it also is appropriate here:

As many of you may know, Michigan recently passed CCW legislation allowing us common folk to carry a concealed handgun. When my mode of dress doesn't allow me to carry my G19, I carry my KelTec P32. I have been carrying it in a Graham's Custom Gun Leather pocket holster. It is the Cookie model and can be seen here http://www.grahamscustomgunleather.bigstep.com/generic.html;$sessionid$HBP13NIAABGHOP5MFMNZPQR53QVSNPX0?pid=1. I paid $25 for the holster and couldn't be happier.

I have been using the holster for a couple of months now and think it is time to post a review here for my fellow TFLers. This is not my first Graham holster and it is also not the first time I have had good things to say about Ron and his holsters. I have one of his beltslide models and one of his IWB models, so my expectations for the Cookie were pretty high going in. To make a long story short, this holster is as outstanding as the other Graham holsters that I have purchased and used.

The Cookie I purchased from Ron was a right handed black model with a leather band reinforced opening. Upon first inspection, I noticed that the leather was a nice even color without any flaws. It was hand-boned with a mini sight track for the front sight (I use the term "sight" very loosely as anyone who owns a P32 knows that the front sight is really just a little bump on top of the front of the slide). The edges were nicely rounded and blended. The stitching was very even and also well done. Overall the finish of the hoslter was excellent.

The fit of the holster was as good as the finish. When I got the holster, I put my P32 in it and turned it upside down. Even with gentle shaking the P32 did not slide out. I next put it in my front pocket and did a few draws and then put it in my back pocket and did a few draws. The gun popped right out and the hoslter stayed in my pocket, where it belonged. As you can see from the picture above, the hoslter has a wing on it. The wing seems to keep the holster in an upright position in both pockets and is used to hold the holster in the pocket when the gun is drawn. With the preliminary tests out of the way, I started using the holster.

The holster is designed for front pocket carry, so that is where I started to carry it. The holster did its job as it kept the gun in a relatively stable position. However, I just could not get used to the gun in my front pocket. I don't know how you guys that carry your .38 snubbies in your front pockets do it. So, I began putting it in my back right pocket and I am much happier with it there. The draw is not as quick for me as out of the front pocket, but it just feels better to me in the back.

My only concern about putting it in the back pocket is that it prints a little. This isn't a problem when I wear it with a suit as the suit pants are a bit looser than jeans and the coat covers the back pocket, but with the jeans on it is a little bit of a problem. .

As is my experience with some of Ron's other holsters, the quality of the materials, fit and finish of the Cookie is top-rate. The only thing better than the product itself is the great customer service Ron provides and the extremely reasonable prices he charges. If you are looking for a pocket holster for your P32, give the Cookie a try, you won't be disappointed.



New member
I second the Uncle Mike's #1 recommendation. I understand that sometimes they are very tight (slight holster-to-holster variation), so it would be best to try a P32 in the particular holster before you buy. But mine fits and works perfectly, and a friend of mine also has one and is equally happy. We both modified ours by cuttin a few stitches to allow a spare loaded magazine to slide in under the grip. Again, it fits perfectly here, breaks up the gun outline (making it appear square, like a wallet), and gives you a 15 rounds of .32 that you'll never notice unless you need it. I think we paid about $10 for ours. I'm sure the leather holsters at 3-4 times the price are nice, but I can't really see how they could work any better. The uncle Mikes is made of a thin, stretchy material that pads and softens the corners. It has a band of "sticky" material around the middle that catches well in the pocket so the holster stays put when you draw. I can't think of any way to improve them - except to ship them without the "magazine pocket" stitched shut. The guy who first thought of this has posted pictures of these, so you might do a search.



New member
I also like the Uncle Mike's holster for my P32. I have an excellent leather holster, but for my pocket I find that the nylon Uncle Mike's does everything I need, is a little less bulky, and the gun comes out easier. I recommend that you give it a try.


New member
Don Hume front pocket.
Carried it for over two years.

If you call and get their distributor number,
I think it is less than $20 delivered.



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