P229 Variants: What one Do I Pick?


New member
Hey all,
I've been looking over the dizzying array of variants from SIG for their P229 series. I decided I want one in 9mm, but I am not sure which one. I know I want the SRT and night sights. On SIG's site today I saw that the regular P229R comes with 13 rounds magazines. However, I handled one at the store today that had a rail and night sights but also had 15 rd magazines. It did not have a beaver tail and was not an Elite. Is SIG now shipping the P229R with 15 rd mags, or was this an oddball?



New member
I have a P229 Enhanced Elite and it holds 15 rounds. I believe the increase from 13 to 15 is a product of the new E2 style grips, but I could be mistaken. I really like the model I have and it sounds like it would meet your criteria.


New member
@ Barry
I know they had one of those. I am on the fence about the beavertail though. I plan to use this as a CCW, do you find that the beavertail snags?



New member
I plan to use this as a CCW, do you find that the beavertail snags?

No, I carry mine in an IWB Milt Sparks VM-2 and it is very easy to carry even while driving and sitting. However, all things being equally the standard version would seem to provide a lesser profile, so it would probably be easier to conceal.

I think that the P229 is an excellent choice for carry and even better since they bumped up the capacity a little. The new grips are a little less attractive than the old style, but they are actually pretty comfortable and provide a good hold when firing.


New member
@ Barry
I was thinking of the SAS Gen 2 for carry. Does the beavertail on the enhanced elite actually do anything? I find the grip position on the standard P series to be well below the hammer making hammer bite an impossibility.


New member
Does the beavertail on the enhanced elite actually do anything?

To be honest I already had a P220 Carry Elite Dark that had the beaver tail, so when I saw the P229 Enhanced Elite in the store it just made sense to get the same variation I already had. The P220 and P229 are basically the exact same size and feel very similar in my hand. So, it seems like an advantage when switching calibers to have very similar guns. I also can share holster between the two guns. I at least perceive that the beaver tail helps with recoil and keeping the gun steady, but admittedly these are very subjective views.

I also looked at the SAS before I bought the Enhanced Elite and just could not find one at a good price, but feel it would be an excellent choice for carry. I was a little concerned about holster availability for the SAS, but did not do a lot of research.


New member
This is mine and as you can see it's not a new model. Aside from the normal descriptions of it being a great auto, you should know if you elect to CC, it is heavy when fully loaded. FYI

careful with the SRT!!!

careful with the SRT!!!

it is a very smooth, very light trigger. it can make you very, very accurate and allow for rapid fire, but it is also very hard to get used to. if you are used to a standard trigger (on any gun), and try to pick up an srt model, you will find yourself hitting about 4in low. i have been able to correct this a bit after a lot of practice and concentration, but i know if it were a self defense situation, i would much rather have my standard trigger.


New member
I realize different systems can function in unique ways potentially resulting in performance variations from other systems. However, I am not sure what would be inherent to the design of the SRT that would make it difficult to become acclimated to.

I shoot pretty well with two guns equipped with the SRT actually better than any of my other guns. Now, I have not shot the gun in a defensive situation, but it seems like with plenty of practice I should be just as accurate with the SRT as any other trigger system.


New member
@ 9mm
I have carried one before, and I agree the weight is a factor but it's not a huge issue for me.

@ loose
I can't really understand how the SRT trigger would "cause" you to shoot low.

@ Barry
I just picked up a P229 SAS Gen 2 in the store yesterday:D. I actually prefer it a lot more without the rail, the gun seems much more balanced, but I could be crazy. Anyway, besides the front sight being off center, fairly left thanks SIG Sauer QC:rolleyes:, and that being something I can fix pretty easily, I should be set. Will let you know how it goes when I shoot it.


New member
I just picked up a P229 SAS Gen 2 in the store yesterday

Awesome! Yes, I really like the SAS and think it will be a very good carry gun for you. I really had a difficult time deciding which variation to get, but really I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them.


I like the simple 2 tone sigs,night sights SIG

SIG is one confusing brand if your not familiar I agree,dizzy
I do like my SIG the most of my guns though....

EDIT............Mine was in warrenty,JUST got it back seconds ago
Trigger issues,something broke internallty and I got a free SRT upgrade
just because........SIG ROCKS !
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New member
I have 4 Sigs now and two have the alloy frame and two are SS.

Hands down, I like the SS better. Never have had a malfunction with the alloy frame, but I probably would not buy them today.

It is like the feeling I got with a Model 59 and 459 Smith and Wesson.

Just could not make myself like the alloy frame.



New member
Could you have seen just a regular P229 "E2" ?

I remember seeing one or two at my LGS around February when SIG was just really rolling out the whole E2 thing in force.

Personally, I would go for the P229 Enhanced Elite.
It is FOR sure the next gun on my list.


New member
@ Patriot
My local gunshop has all the variants. The regular is a nice gun as well, but I wanted the SRT.

As I mentioned the rail on the P229, at least IMO, seems to make the gun front heavy. That might help with recoil, but I found the SAS without the rail to have a much better balance for me. In addition, this is mainly going to be a carry/range gun so I didn't feel the need for a tactical rail. My M&P and Glock 19 already have one if I decide to go that route. As for the Enhance Elite, it is a very nice gun :). However, I personally don't like the look of the beavertail on a SIG.

As a note, all the 9mm SIGs I saw had short triggers and 15 round magazines, even the basic model. These were all very recent productions. According to SIG's website these features are meant to be reserved for more expensive models. I am glad if they are going with all 15 rd magazines, as it makes no sense for that to be an "option" and probably saves SIG money by only ordering one magazine type. As for the short trigger, with my stubby finders I like it a lot, but I can imagine others not liking it.
no argument that the srt trigger rocks

i just had a lot of trouble getting used to how light and short the pull was. after i did get used to it, it was dead nuts. most repeatably accurate shooter i own, but i would still trust my standard when my pulse is racing. the srt takes way too much concentration.


New member
@ loose
I understand that argument, though I personally don't find it to be a problem.

Of course, if I am in a very stressful situation I would just use my Glock 19. Would you like to hear about it;):D?


New member
Anyway, besides the front sight being off center, fairly left thanks SIG Sauer QC, and that being something I can fix pretty easily, I should be set.

Before you try to "center" that front sight, I'd shoot it first to determine whether the poa corresponds with the poi. It might be "right on" as is.


New member
Normally I would 100% agree with you. However the front sight is so far left that it is masked by the left rear sight when up in a firing stance. Even my gunsmith said the way it was set up he would be amazed if I hit a barn at 15 feet. If it was a little off that is one thing, but if it needs to be that far off to shoot straight there is a serious defect with the gun and it is going back to Sig. Thanks for the tip though :).