P2000 v3


New member
Anyone know if it is safe to carry the HK P2000 v3 cocked and locked? I'm assuming its fine. I just shoot so much better without that heavy first double action. But there is no safety so not sure if that's safe.

The one thing I don't like about the HK P2000 v3 is the decock lever. Why does it have to be at the back of the slide? I mean I fear I'll blow my thumb off. It's a bit weird to have my thumb behind the slide as the hammer flies forward. :rolleyes:

And not sure why there isn't a safety on the v3. it has a decock so why no safety? I guess they assume the double action is safety enough.

Greg Bell

New member

Cocked and locked means that the manual safety is on and the gun is in single action mode.The V3 is a DA/SA with a de-cocker. There is no safety. Do not carry this gun cocked. De-cock it and carry it in DA mode.


New member
Sounds like Greg answered your question but...do you mean the decocker is actually on the rear surface of the slide on the P2000?


New member
Sounds like Greg answered your question but...do you mean the decocker is actually on the rear surface of the slide on the P2000?

Yes that is exactly what he means. The only pistol I know of with the decocker in that position. I think I'd need a litte practice to get used to it. I like the USP's safety/decocker better.


New member
Here are photos of the V3 decocker, as before/after decocking shots:




New member
Lunde, thanks for posting that, I checked out all the P2000 pics on HK's site & they didn't have one from that angle.