

New member
I have a WW1 era remington rand P1917 30-06 that somebody turned into a sportster long ago. it shoots very well but all ive put through it are military loads. do you gus think its ok to put modern hunting loads thru it? i want to start hunting with it.


New member
I've got a 1917 that was sporterized some time back in the 50's or 60's. It was rebarrelled to .375 H&H, they're strong actions. As long as your headspacing is good I don't see why any of the loads on the market would be bad for it.


New member
As long as the headspace checked out...

there should be know problem with current commercial sporting ammo.


New member
It can handle that and much more. You talking about one of the strongest of actions ever seen on a military rifle and on many commercial rifles too.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
That action is the strongest made, for controlled feed. Much stronger than the Springfield, and quite a bit more than the old Model 70. Hunt up the Remington "torture test" when they first came out with the 721. :D

The 1917 was my first centerfire. I ran a bunch of hot IMR 3031 varmint loads through it, working over jackrabbits. I always loaded max with IMR 4064 and 150s for deer.

I put a Dayton-Traister trigger conversion on mine, for cock-on-opening. I hadn't gotten around to changing the floorplate, though, before I went into the Army. The rifle sorta "disappeared" while I was gone...



New member
Any .30-06 and almost any other cartridge you can fit in that action length is safe.

My brother has one that he had talked about converting to 9.3X64 or some such thing.



For what its worth, I came by a P1917 a few years ago, beautiful military just like it was issued. The bore was dark with some pitting. I cleaned the barrel
electronically, and have shot lots of mil surp 30-06 as well as handloads through it. Tough old rifle, no danger of blowing up and the kicker is it is still
accurate even with that barrel. P17s used to be the action for conversions to
more powerful calibers. Shame they ground those ears off in the converting.