P 32 Serial Numbers


New member
I have read somewhere that KelTec changed their machining on the P 32's after a certain serial number with a resulting improvement on out of the box quality and fit. Does anyone know what this cutoff number is and what the current serial numbers are running? Thanks.


New member
From both my experience and what I've heard from others, between 19,000 and slightly under 20,000. The ones I saw at a gun show last week were in the low 30's and looked fine.


New member
I have two, one is in the serial range of 02xx and the other is 09xx.

Neither one has given me a minute's trouble.

Now the P-11, they made a change in mainsprings after about 19,000. The lighter spring was a much needed improvement.


New member
I'm not sure that is accurate but I could be wrong. I know that KT has done a few improvements over time like the extractor, stronger recoil and hammer springs.
Someone ought to call Cliff at KT and ask.
I have 8xxx and 10xxx. Both are great performers.


Staff Alumnus
I have 1xx, and she works just fine. Didn't even do the "fluff and buff", just oil and moly grease on the rails...