P-07 Trigger pinch


New member
Recently I purchased a CZ-P07 for my Christmas present. Love the gun, how it fits my hand, how it shoots, etc.

I have noticed after a lot of dry fire and some live shooting that my trigger finger gets pinched between the back of the trigger and the front of the frame inside the trigger guard. It's not like it's overly painful or anything, just annoying. It happens in both DA and SA modes.

Is it something I am doing wrong, or just how the pistol fits me? If it is me, what can I do to fix it? I really like this pistol and don't want to give up on it. I don't want to get my finger pinched for the rest of this gun's life though either.


New member
Sometimes it happens with certain models. For me it happens with SIGs with the short reach triggers (the skinny ones). You could try moving the people of your finger a bit to see if that helps.

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New member
I guess that is probably what I will have to do. The way I reach the trigger
right now is the most natural feeling to me, so I'm trying to avoid changing it. However, I think any other method of fixing the issue would be more invasive to the firearm.


New member
Pics or it didn't happen.


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Walt Sherrill

New member
Most folks recommend using the pad of the first joint of the trigger finger and in the photo it looks as though you're doing more JOINT than pad. Using a bit more "pad" and a bit less "joint" might help, and also give you a little bit more control of the trigger. Slightly changing finger placement would have the positive side-effect of pushing the meaty part of your finger away from the trigger and frame.

If you can't make that work, you might try sanding spots on the frame and the rear of the trigger in the area where you're getting BIT! Just a little adjustment to the plastic might make a big difference, and if you do it gently, nobody will notice.

Just don't use REALLY coarse sandpaper, and do it gently, trying the trigger as you go.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...using the pad of the first joint of the trigger finger..." Yep, but it's actually between the swirl of your print and the first joint. I'd guess it'd be about a trigger's width less than what you're using in the pictures. You take a very good picture too.


New member
+1 on the picture quality. Really shows what you're talking about.

I'd go with Walt's suggestion about more of the finger pad on the trigger too.

However...I hesitate to mention this because there are drawbacks but old school shooters used to routinely attach 'trigger shoes'....a practice that has fallen out of favor.

Makes the trigger wider which may result in keeping your trigger finger a tad farther away from the frame but some folk say it may cause problems with holstering the gun. I've put them on a couple of guns (both revolvers and semi-autos) and haven't had any problems but like I said they're out of favor today.

Walt Sherrill

New member
DaleA said:
However...I hesitate to mention this because there are drawbacks but old school shooters used to routinely attach 'trigger shoes'....a practice that has fallen out of favor.

Makes the trigger wider which may result in keeping your trigger finger a tad farther away from the frame but some folk say it may cause problems with holstering the gun. I've put them on a couple of guns (both revolvers and semi-autos) and haven't had any problems but like I said they're out of favor today.

The reason that practice fell out of favor is that trigger shoes can come loose -- not necessarily a problem unless it chooses the wrong time to malfunction. Of course, the concern may have been a response to a hypothetical problem, rather than one that occurred a lot in the real world.

Finding a trigger shoe that works with YOUR gun's trigger may be a challenge, nowadays, anyway.

Changing trigger finger placement may be the best solution.
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New member
Thanks for all the helpful advice guys. I think this is the first gun I've owned that I could actually get my finger that far into the trigger guard. I didn't even think about how I was pulling the trigger as a result.

After some adjustment, no more finger pinching. Now I just have to get used to holding my finger that way every time.

As for picture quality, I just got a new phone so that helps. Pictures show a lot more than words. I knew when I was getting pinched, it's just hard to describe.