P-01 and Critical Duty

So, I have shot about 600 rounds now, both cheap ball and the Hornady critical duty ammo...

First, this pistol is sweet... The more I shoot it, the more I love it. I have, however, had the opportunity to run into a couple issues, though. I sweat a lot, including my hands, and I find the stock rubber grips, while very nice initially, do not have good grip when moist. I am replacing them with VZ tactical diamonds within the week, I'll report again when that happens.

Second, I fcompared the MecGar magazines I got to the ones that came with it, and I found the springs in the MecGars is stouter than the factory springs. Diameter according to my eye is about 1.2 mm vs 1 mm, with the strength to boot. While hand unloading a factory mag loaded with critical duty, the follower stopped somewhere around half capacity, due to a rubber tip of a bullet hitting the front of the mag. The MecGar couldn't reproduce the problem. Not saying it is immune to it, or that the factory mags are bad, just an observation of a small sample size... The Hornady rounds didn't cause issue during firing, either, with either mags, but I think I am going to swap to another more conventional round just to be sure.

Bottom line, GET A P-01!!!!!!! It's such a sweet shooter, and very comfy. I am now convinced that SA/DA with a decoder is my working gun function of choice, and this one works great... May have to get an SP-01 soon.......


New member
If you've shot a box or two of CD ammo through the MecGar mag and it shoots without issue, why not just use that mag and ammo?


New member
+1. If you really like a particular defense load I'd stick with it. Not to mention I'd prefer to use the magazine that exhibits less issues. MecGar mags are just as good as factory, for many companies they are the factory mag.
Murphy's law is why I am changing, and the .2 mm difference is an eyeball guesstimate. I'm not dissatisfied with the pistol, by any means, but in a bad situation, I want no chances. Good round, stout and accurate, but not for me. Also, not knocking the factory mags, I haven't had any real issues with the gun. Just saying, so the info is out there.

chris in va

New member
I have feeding issues with my 14rd factory mags. Just got my MecGar mags today and not only are the springs thicker, but the spacing is out to the mag body up to the 'pinch' which probably makes it even more stout.

Stock spring is .045"
MecGar is .051".

I will head to the range today and see if my RF and LRN bullet designs feed flawlessly like they do with the 16rd MecGar I have.

And yes, my new P01 is amazing. I would have bought one after trying a friend's back in 2003, but the flat metal mag plate dug into my little finger. The rubber pad solved all that and actually feels better than my 75bd I sold.
Chris in VA, is that real measurements? My eye is pretty damn close to calibrated, methinks!!

I am not knocking the factory mags, but the MecGars are very high quality... And the P-01 is an amazing gun!