Over the years knowledge


New member
I realized that over the years of reading this forum every day, that I have gained a considerable amount of knowledge from you guys and still have so much more to learn. I'm not sure if it's growing up and maturing, getting older or just realizing you learn more by keeping your mouth shut and listening. So I thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experience for educating those of us who are clueless.

So is there anyone else who now realizes that they were completely ignorant when they first joined but now know enough not to embarrass themselves?

Baba Louie

New member
I can still embarrass myself on a regular basis. ;)

Did you know they make plastic pistols nowadays and that some people prefer stainless steel? :eek:

But yes, the knowledge level shared here, on this site, about this subject, is almost overwhelming.


New member
I have gained a considerable amount of knowledge from you guys and still have so much more to learn

I’ve been around guns for a long time, but the more I learned the more I wanted to learn. Also, I’d hear various “experts” making statements that just didn’t make sense, so I went looking for more information and found this site. I guess the bottom line a wise man realizes the more he knows the more there is to learn.


New member
Boy, youse guys are easily pleased.
Has anyone figured out if 9mm is really as good as .45?
I'm still convinced that the .22LR is the best round for self defense because it bounces around so much...



New member
Always on the sunny-side !!!

So is there anyone else who now realizes that they were completely ignorant when they first joined but now know enough not to embarrass themselves?
Regardless, I would never hang that sign on anyone, especially in this forum. As I've often said, "WE" are all on this learning curve and I am always willing to give someone a hand as well as accept one. I truly believe that that is how the "Big-Guy" upstairs meant us to be. ....... ;)

I sincerely thank Y'all and
Be Safe !!!
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New member
IMNHO, there is too much BS on the internet. Read books instead eveyday constantly. In 1955 SIXGUNS BY KEITH was published and the new library copy spent the next entire year with me in my fifth grade class. I've never stopped reading since. FIVE books a week is common. Most military history but somer guns as I'm running out of ones I've not read.
The WORST book of gunstuff I ever read was still better than the crap on the internet.
EVERY man I know who is a serious well rounded gunny has read EVERY GUN MAGAZINE [ let alone all the books...] published in his life time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And ALL of those who have dispareged the magazines are also mostly a pile of lamebrained ignoramouses who cover it all up with nastiness and BS bravado. EVEN the magazine writer blowhards are better than that and some of those I'de not -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- on if their guts were on fire !! They're still better than internet windbags.
And so it goes...


New member
Well... in my three years so far on this forum I've learned a thing or two.

1. Deer require a minimum of .375 H&H
2. Elk we're probably talking .458 Lott
3. Grizzly... .50 BMG... what else?
4. African dangerous game? Psh... 20mm or go home
5. 9mm sucks and .45 acp is awesome, just because it is.

In all seriousness though, I have learned a TON of useful information since joining this forum. The knowledge base on this forum is just amazing, and I've come a long way since joining.


New member
I think most everyone brings something to the table. No one is an expert at everything, and even the least experienced members have experiences they can share.
themaliciousOne said:
So is there anyone else who now realizes that they were completely ignorant when they first joined but now know enough not to embarrass themselves?
As a Vietnam veteran who had been shooting for more than 50 years before joining, I don't think I was completely ignorant when I joined TFL. But ... now know enough not to embarrass myself? Get serious.

44 AMP

As a Vietnam veteran who had been shooting for more than 50 years before joining, I don't think I was completely ignorant when I joined TFL. But ... now know enough not to embarrass myself? Get serious.

This pretty much sums it up for me, as well.

When I joined the forum, I thought I was fairly well educated in firearms in general, and very well versed in some specifics. Turns out that compared to some people I am, and compared to others, I'm not. :eek:

I've learned some good things from the folks here, and gotten thanked by some others for my input and information. Overall, I think its the best gun discussion site I've ever found.


New member
I can still embarrass myself on a regular basis.

Yeah. Thought I knew how a 1911 worked...well, I didn't.

But here's the big problem:
There a dozen or so guys here (you know who you are) that I take their word as gospel on guns. When somebody posts something stupid (and you do NOT know who you are) well, I wait for them to set the record straight. Seems like it might be taking longer and longer for them to get around to it.

What are we going to do when they are no longer around?


New member
I have often wondered if all in this forum got together and desinged a new rifle what it would look like. Would it have a telescopic barrel that would go from 16" to 30",capably of shooting a 22 to a 7MM bullet.:D

Tony Z

New member
The older I get, the more I realize I don't know and the more I realize I don't have time left to learn.