Outstanding Anti-Gun Control Video


New member
What was the first woman firing?

"Speak the language understood by all intruders: 00 buck". Brilliant!

I agree, this was an excellent video, some of those are clearly propaganda posters, but I've never seen them before. Wish we could see more of them.


Outstanding indeed!

What was the first woman firing?

I wondered that too. A revolver that fires from the low end of the cylinder

"We don't see arsonists or hackers in these things (matches and laptop) why be afraid of mere things (gun)"


New member
Good video. I found this pic a while back and it appears fitting.



New member
It, along with many other propaganda posters the likes of which I've never seen can also be found here. I never knew there were creative media artists like the one that made the video and these images until now! (NRA is very bland compared to these (I don't blame them, different audience)).


New member
What was the first woman firing?

It is a Mateba auto revolver I have one in 44mag very interesting gun. Not cheap though I got mine a couple years ago fr around 1200 bucks now I think there up to around 1500 plus.


New member
Those posters look like the work of Oleg Volk. He's come up with some very interesting and thought provoking posters.


New member
Had not seen this site before...

Did anyone notice that they felt it necessary to place it in the "extreme" category?
