Outlawing handguns? Give yours up?

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New member
There has been all sorts of talk about the US going the way of the UK etc in the not to distant future and the Govt storming into our houses taking out guns. Although I think our Govt would be more clever and just regulate the guns and ammo into unobtainability (is that even a word?) let us for the sake of argument say they did outlaw handguns and decided to run around taking them from us. How would you react to this? Although giving up guns I enjoy and paid major money for would suck bad enough I think the bigger issue is what would they have in mind after disarming the public. I like to believe our govt is above rounding up people and taking over but then again I am sure the peoples of other countries thought the same thing when their guns where taken away.

Someone mentioned the topic of the Govt taking guns away to me the other day. My response was this "The very reason I have guns is to negate the possibility of someone to take them away from me"


New member
Every dictator in power during the span of time that guns were available to the people, started out by disarming them. Whe only the gov't has guns, we all become slaves. Better to die on your feet than serve on your knees is my motto.


New member
This is such a touchy subject. I can't imagne a ton of people saying that they would buck the systems and not give up their guns if there was a 'mob rules' vote that would negate the 2nd amendment. I can't, and won't, say what I would do in an open forum, but I think there would be multiple states that would threaten/actually secede with a recinding of the 2nd ammendment.

That ammendment is was really enforces any and all of the other portions of the constituion. If the government gets out of line too far, there is an armed population to sling them back in line. The whole point of the 2nd ammendment is to keep the government respecting the populous, or the populous will be able to remove the government and/or the populous can remove itself from said government.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Well, a question has not been posed (except whether unobtainability is really a word. ;) ).

TFL doesn't host Doomsday scenario discussions or soapbox politics.

I think you are on the wrong board. If you should decide there is a specific legal or civil rights issue to discuss, then be sure to go to the L&CR forum to do so.

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