Outdoor Handgun Range (VA)

Shadi Khalil

New member
Hello Fello TFL'ers,

I live in N.VA, right outside DC. Does anyone know of a outdoor handgun range within a reasonable driving distance?

Thanks guys.

happy New Year!!!


chris in va

New member
Hmm, near DC not sure. But there's Clark Brothers outside Warrenton that's outdoors but you have to buy their ammo ($$$).

Further out there's The Cove in Gore VA (look it up) that is at the top of a large hill at a campground and you can shoot anything AT anything you bring. Go ahead, exercise that full auto or 50 cal. PITA to get to however, drive something with ground clearance.

Indoors you have the NRA range at headquarters in Fairfax (50 yard range), Blue Ridge Arsenal off hwy 28 and Gilberts down in Springfield (?).

Shadi Khalil

New member
hey chris,

thanks for the reply. i like the sound of the cove, im gonna check it out.

thanks again and happy new year.



New member
The Arlington-Fairfax Izaak Walton League has an outdoor range near Centerville. They have a web site where you can get contact information or you can e-mail me. The Fairfax Rod and Gun Club has an extensive facility near Manassas. There are shooting ranges listed at the NRA web site by geographic area and I recall a range being listed near Front Royal.

I am familiar with "The Cove." It is a large privately owned tree farm on the Virginia/West-Virginia border west of Winchester. They allow camping, fishing and hunting, for an entry fee. They are open daily between Memorial Day and Labor Day for camping and fishing. I do not know how they arrange access during hunting season. They have a web site you can look up ("The Cove"). There is an area where they permit shooting. The shooting area is pretty far up a mountain on their property and the dirt access road was in bad shape last time I was there. I think you will need a 4-wheel drive vehicle to traverse it, or allow time for a hike. There are dirt backstops and a lot of brass and shot-up houshold appliances lying around. No other amenities are provided at the shooting area.


New member
Quantico / IWLA-FFX

I'll second Isaak Walton - you need to join and do some volunteer hours but they have not only a 100 yard rifle/pistol range but also skeet/trap and several variants of archery. I'm a member there and it's a good organization for shooters to belong to.

Also - I believe there are ways to join the club down at Quantico - I think they have several ranges, one being a full 1000 yards. There are limitations as to the number of civilian members and such but depending on where in NoVA you live it might be an easier drive. I'm not a member down there but seem to recall you can find the info through Google.


New member
Also - I believe there are ways to join the club down at Quantico - I think they have several ranges, one being a full 1000 yards. There are limitations as to the number of civilian members and such but depending on where in NoVA you live it might be an easier drive. I'm not a member down there but seem to recall you can find the info through Google.

Yes, but...last I checked there's a multi-year waiting list to join.


New member
Stafford, down I-95 has the alexandria Izak Walton league also. 100 yard range, pistol range, shotgun range, bow trail, and two fishing ponds.

I like it.

100 bucks a year.


chris in va

New member
Hey since we're on this subject, I can't find any handgun ranges in the Winchester area save for the Cove and one in Front Royal that is "closed until further notice". Not trying to sign up for any private ranges either, just somewhere to practice.


New member
My wife and I shoot at Clark Brothers quite a bit, and yes, you have to buy their ammo for use at the range (the do spot check) and yes their ammo is expensive, but you don't have to pay for the range time so we've found it works out about the same as going to the indoor range (The Range) in Stafford. And the place is not usually crowded on weekdays at least. I don't think we've ever been there on a weekend so I can't say.

What we generally do is shoot our 22 rimfires at Clark Brothers where a brick of 22's buys us as long as we want to stay or until we run out of ammo. Or we go buy more ammo. :D


New member
I took a bunch of friends camping at the "cove".

No way I would shoot at their range unless I have some of my buddies watching my back.

There were a bunch of redneck types drinking beer (at the range) and firing Mosin rounds into the dirt 3-4 feet in front of them. They also did not care where they were pointing their guns. A sure fire mix of danger.

Luckily there were about 8 of us. So there were enough of us to always keep an eye on them.


New member
The Cove in Gore, VA was a lot of fun when I went. We didn't run into many people there and the ones that we did were very nice. Except one random guy who rolled up in a Mercedes SUV, got out with a pistol grip shot gun, threw a frisbee and tried to shoot it while it was mid air.

If you're wondering why there are so many fenders and hoods there, it's because we go with a guy who runs a body shop and he bring old parts there to shoot.


New member
I always like going to Clark Brothers. It Seems like they always have a decent RO, very safety minded, eclectic mix of folks. I have been there on weekends, but not for a decade :D