Out of the closet...


New member
Okay - Now how many of you guys have been a bit more patriotic, up front about your beliefs, etc., since 9/11? I mean, prior to 9/11, if you had a flag up, announced that you were a patriot, etc., you were likely to have your neighbors call the cops and suggest that you were the next McVeigh...
Not a problem for me.

My next-door neighbor is a 1-star in the USAR.

Many of the people in my community are current or former military.

Many of them also own firearms.


New member
No change here either......I spent 22 years in the Military with over three years in combat......and I wont say I'm right wing but my politics are somewhere to the right of Atilla the Hun.;)
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Fred Hansen

New member
To paraphrase Barbara Mandrell BTW she and her sisters are all accomplished shooters, and patriots.:cool:

I was patriotic when patriotic wasn't cool!

"The republic was not established by cowards, and cowards will not preserve it." --Elmer Davis

Jim V

New member
I have flown a flag in fron of my house since before I retired from police work in '84. It has been at full mast for all the time, except for 8 years just ended during which time it was at half staft.


New member
No big change here, either. Area I live in has a lot of flags on display all the time.
Must admit I'm curious about how long it'll take before the country is off on a newer fad... Might be a while, might not be long at all...:rolleyes:
I'm sceptical about how many are up for the long haul. We got TV generations, its just gotta be fixed in 30 minutes less commercials...;)
Tom - Another patriot when it wasn't cool...


New member
My answer came up on another topic, which involved someone's rant. I haven't flown the flag in several years, perhaps because of WJC.

However, since 1994 I've been working my skinny white butt off helping in elections, stuff like that, to try to defeat anti-freedom candidates. There's been other activities as well, some a bit illegal such as vandalism.

When friends or neighbors or relatives have asked why, I've just told them that this is my country, not the criminals' nor the politicians'.

The number of people who actually call or write their representatives is so small that it only takes a few contacts to make a difference. The number of people who actually know who their representatives _are_ is so small that I'm sometimes amazed we still have a representative form of government.

Bam Bam

New member
Among the people who know me The Event transformed their opinions of me from paranoid to psychic. Has it changed my behavior? Not really. It has solidified my decision to travel to Africa for extremely personal reasons.


New member
No real change

Since I returned from my tour in the late 60's, I have been the same with flying the flag....only time I wasn't as proud was when we had WBC.

No problem with my neighbors...got one vet who served with the 442nd and the neighbor on the other side served with the 100th.

Just a bunch of old f@rt$ with a few firearms for old times sake....right!
No change here

...Well, except that now, instead of always displaying one flag, my hubby-to-be and I now display THREE. :D

And we aren't the only ones. Since we live just a mile from Hill AFB, a lot of our neighbors are active/reserve and retired military folks. Lots of flags all the time. My patriotic neighbors did what we did...just started displaying more flags than the usual year-round one.

Personally, I don't take offense with those people who weren't die-hard flag wavers before 9-11; I was glad to see all those flags and red-white-blue ribbons popping up everywhere. It does a tired soul good.


New member
No change here.

We have been flyin' Ol' Glory every day for the last 4 or 5 years.

I have been wearing the colors, permamently, since '91.


I have been on the bureacracies (federal agencies) butt for years, seeking redress for grievances.

Having problems with the IRS, will open ones eyes to the tyranny that exists in this country.

This tyranny and oppression is more dangerous to this nation than any foreign adversary.

I am not much of a flag waver, but, I have had
on several occasions been in contempt of court
for objecting to a judges attempt at riding roughshod over my rights.

I have always felt to challenge authority, was my patriotic duty.



Staff Alumnus
Oh ya! There's been some major changes. I'm still patriotic and still have my flag flying. I still annoy my congressmen and speak greatly about America.

So what's the major change you ask? heheh you'll just have to wait ;)


New member
The flag flew all the time at a goodly number of homes on my strret before 9/11. I am pleased that a great many more are flying it now! I have my flag out all the time. I illuminate it at night.
Maybe people will start to realize freedom and rights are not free.
Maybe folks will realize just what the flag represents. I have hope that they will!