out of state hog hunting


New member
So everywhere I turn lately I keep coming across hog hunting tv t shirts videos. It looks lke too much fun for me not to join in. Now here in minnesota we don't have hog problems yet. So what I'm wondering provided I find somewhere to hunt hogs what is required as far as a hunting license and all that good stuff? I have a few relatives down south in texas that hog hunt so say I went there for a vacation what would I have to do to legally hunt with them?


New member
Find a private landowner in Florida and you wont need one. I guide a few hunts down here as long as its private land its considered our livestock not wild game.


New member
You asked about Texas. The hog laws are rapidly changing here in Texas. Call Texas Parks and Wildlife at (800) 792-1112 and ask. Part of their website talks of a non-resident non-game hunting license and part talks of no license required of hogs. Hogs are not game animals and there is no season. Please kill all the hogs in Texas.

Zen Archery

New member
Hogs are not game animals and there is no season. Please kill all the hogs in Texas.


If you can prove the depredations hogs are causing on your land ( not hard to do) and have permission from land owner to eradicate. You are good to go. But you better know law (carry the annual with you) to prove it.

Most game wardens know law but not all LEO's.


New member
Myself and another old geezer hunter I know would like to go down to Texas from Oregon this winter to hunt hogs but so far I can only find expensive guided hunts. We would be willing to pay for some guide time but 500 bucks a pig seems like too much. Am I crazy or is this too damn expensive?



New member
If your relatives own the property, then you are probably good to go. If its a hunting lease, then you will need an out of state permit.

Eradication purposes most people don't need one if you are acting as the land owner's agent.

Since you are travelling just get a permit and no worries, no explanations needed.

While legally its hunting, in reality its just pig shooting. The guys that do it with dogs are hunting.


Staff In Memoriam
I checked in upper Michigan this guy wants 750. for a hog hunt he frigging NUTS!
Well he does have to maintain fences and buy plenty of feed so he is just tryin' to recoup some costs... ie:game farmer... That is all he is...

I bet if you make smoochy sounds followed by "Here SOOEY... COME ON... HERE SOOEY" you can poke it at five feet... if you drop some dirt clods in a bucket and shake that... I am near positive you could choose from all the pigs on his game farm.:rolleyes:



Staff In Memoriam
I agree, Jack, I was just raggin' on the fence operations compare to huntin' real feral hogs...



New member
I agree you can find ads for "Hunting" preserves wanting to buy live hogs.... give me a friggin break. I bet they frolic with the hand fed deer in the morning dew.