Our Lingo


New member
I was in a meeting at work today and they did one of the lame get to know you things. One of the questions I got was "If you could have drinks with someone from history who would it be?" So naturally, I said John Moses Browning. No one said anything about it or had any expressions of understanding (as I figured they would).

So do you guys ever say stuff that only other gun nuts would get? Maybe as a test to see if there are other like minded individuals in the crowd. Funny thing is I'm pretty quiet about my interests at work so this was out of the norm for me.
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not everyone knows what we know...

but that's hardly a new thing, now is it?

I have a friend at work who, if you describe the markings of a WW II aircraft, he can, off the top of his head tell you a (95%+ accurate) what squadron it was in, and approx. when. And if it belonged to an ace, he can usually tell you who it was!

AND, he's just as good with guns, military history and a host of other things. Much better than I in some areas of specialization, and nearly as good in others.

We are regarded as "go to" guys about a lot of things, both in our profession, and our hobbies. A lot of the time, other people get a lost look on their face after the first sentence or two....:D Been that way a long time, and I don't see it changing soon.;)

and yes, we enjoy an inside joke, or two now and then...

Baba Louie

New member
I have one gunny friend who collects "stamps".

The "stamp collector" thing even goes over most gun owners heads initially. ;)


New member
You would want to have a drink with Browning, who was Mormon? Maybe they were looking at you funny for a different reason.


New member
Haha. Yeah, I know he was a Mormon, but he's gotta drink something. Pretty sure all their faces were just because they had no idea who he was.


New member
I would have loved to attended the meeting between Mr. Kalashnikov and Eugene Stoner that the Smithsonia put together. That would have been awsome.


New member
I retired from the IT field last year.
We had a Monday morning engineers meeting every week.
(usually drier than a pop corn fart - about what you'd expect from a room full of pocket protector wearing geeks).

The manager asked us, as a group, what three things we could do that would solve 99% of the problems we ran into day in and day out.

My answer was:
- A kick in the groin
- $10k in cash
- A 240 gr JHP @ 1400 fps.
Any or all would handle 99% of anything.
3/4 of the room laughed - the manager said,,,"Moving right along"....


New member
While I like firearms and they are my main hobby, I can think of LOTS of other people who I would like to have a drink with. None would be hobby related.


New member
Well, I suppose I could ask Winston Churchill how he liked shooting the M1 Carbine, but it seems like an awful waste of time.


New member
Thought of something I do that only my close circle of friends get.

I use the term "MOA", pronouced as one word, to describe something that is done rather well, an accurate response to a question, or the like.
"Moa" - a large flightless and extinct bird, LOL. So a different background and your comment of something done rather well would translate quite differently for me. ;)

p loader

New member
Sort of related, but I was with a group of guys who I know all own firearms. A similar topic came up, who would you meet (anyone in history). The typical response came out (as expected). Various Generals from history, Hitler, some Presidents etc etc.

I said Jay Leno. I think he's cool, have no desire to meet Abraham Lincoln or George Washington. Would be so awkward, serious generation gap. I could chat up Jay for quite a while...

Typically exercises like these illicit the same responses, much like asking a kid what they want to be when they grow up: Fireman, Doctor, Policeman, Vet etc. No kid ever says Walmart Greeter, fast food worker, trash collector or Nurses Aid in a retirement home.


New member
John Moses Browning

Naturally your friends would have been perplexed because they probably knew that Master Browning belonged to the Church of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon)and did abstain from alcohol so you having a drink with him would be incongruos.


New member
Arggg... This new manager loves these "ice breakers". More today, bet they wouldn't have thought that I liked needlepoint as a hobby.

Seriously, I am not going to broadcast to the company that my main hobby is all gun related. My profession consists largely of liberal types who don't think highly of guns or their right to own and use them. They would rather see their rights whittled away one at a time... :mad:


New member
I was in a meeting at work today and they did one of the lame get to know you things. One of the questions I got was "If you could have drinks with someone from history who would it be?" So naturally, I said John Moses Browning. No one said anything about it or had any expressions of understanding (as I figured they would).

why would anyone say anything? this would be like someone in the physics community throwing out some obscure scientist's name. most people are not gun enthusiasts


New member
I think Jay Leno might make better company than most and besides, I could at least talk cars for hours on end. Of course, that would be contemporary history. I did have a chance to talk cars with an Anglican bishop from Tanzania, though.

Otherwise, I have discovered that I usually have nothing worth saying to someone even marginally famous in certain small circles. But I don't think I've ever met anyone of any note in the firearms "community."