Our friend George Clooney on his new movie


I didn't see anything about guns or gun rights issues in there.

The jerk is known to have said that Charlton Heston deserves whatever he gets (i.e. his Alzheimer's disease) because he was the NRA president, so... apart from his idiotic political views, I believe that expressing such a feeling (or having such a feeling) makes him pretty much a nasty person. A bad person.

When are we, as a society, going to STOP FRICKIN' CARING about what celebrities have to say about politics and other issues?! Don't we have minds of our OWN anymore?*

*I know I do. I have the sick feeling that most of society doesn't, at this point.



New member
I didn't see anything about guns or gun rights issues in there.

ok so i should have put it here(wasn't sure at first)

i for one don't go with what others say,i usually listen to there views but don't always agree.i base my political views by what effects me (not by what someone else thinks)


New member
azurefly said:
When are we, as a society, going to STOP FRICKIN' CARING about what celebrities have to say about politics and other issues?! Don't we have minds of our OWN anymore?
+1... I certainly don't care about the personal politics of movie stars.


New member
msnbc said the link is broken or moved.

When are we, as a society, going to STOP FRICKIN' CARING about what celebrities have to say about politics and other issues?! Don't we have minds of our OWN anymore?*
you know someone who listens to celebrities?

wasn't sure if this should go to political area or general discussion.there is some political talk though
isnt this the political section? do our topics have to be firearm related in here?

the link didnt work for me, but I know that the movie he is probably promoting right now is based on a robert baer(sp?) book, see no evil(I think) that is definetly a interesting read. If I get the time, I may go see it.


New member
Ditto Stratus and Azurefly, I couldn't care less what people like George Clooney say. I don't pay to watch their stupid movies either.
I thought Syriana was a good movie, and I looked hard and didn't find anything in it that overtly contradicts reality.

I know I'm going to be attacked for this, but everything in this movie has happened in real life to one degree or another, they just put the pieces together.


New member
Couldnt say it better

"When are we, as a society, going to STOP FRICKIN' CARING about what celebrities have to say about politics and other issues?! Don't we have minds of our OWN anymore?"

I just read another thread on Hanoi Jane.
The world would be better if these people were never born, but we cant undo a mistake so the best thing to do is what azurefly suggested.

These are people that dont have a clue to what life is like, there pampered, paid more a week than 99% of the people make in a year. They say what some one puts infront of them.


New member
When are we, as a society, going to STOP FRICKIN' CARING about what celebrities have to say about politics and other issues?! Don't we have minds of our OWN anymore?*

*I know I do. I have the sick feeling that most of society doesn't, at this point.

You're right. And that's the reason why the politics of celebrities are important. They use their celebrity to "teach and educate" the masses, who see them as the Second Coming. More than one social cause has been advanced based on what was said in purported entertainment.