Other Parts Guns?


New member
I know a lot of places are offering parts kits AK's and FAL's, but are there any other interesting parts guns you've seen on the 'net, like AR-15's?

Also, a question. AIM Surplus has an FAL parts set (http://aimsurplus.com/acatalog/AIM_Part_Kits_5.html)

When they say "complete", do they mean this is everything you need to assemble a functioning firearm?



New member
Re: Aim parts kit - no.

'Complete' parts kits lack the receiver.

If the receiver were sold, it would require paperwork and ID. That's what is considered the actual gun. The rest is just metal; can be sold to anyone with money.

Other parts guns: AK and AKM rifles
1911 style pistols
Uzi carbine, if you have more money and time than sense
Sig AMT - WAY, WAY more money than sense!!
AKS-74U Krinkov - An AK-74 the size of a small submachinegun - US builders usually make it as a semi auto SBR or permanently weld on a fake silencer
Sten kits, if you don't mind prison food......

Edit - oh yeah.

M1 Garand
M-14 in semi configuration
M-1 Carbine

10/22 - well, you can buy all the parts separately, including an aftermarket receiver...