Other Internet Forums


New member
Well, since it looks like we'll be closed down before too long, what other internet forums do you guys frequent? This is about the best hunting/varmint/all around rifle forum I've come across.

I guess we could just chose one and make it better with our presence :rolleyes: But seriously, I'd hate to lose this groups knowledge or see it scattered over several other forums.

Any suggestions? Where else do you hang out, Art?


New member
Shooters, www.shooters.com was a main forum for me before I came here. I also go to CSP Gun Talk, quite a bit.
Shooters could use some revitalization. Maybe some of us can show up over there in the new year.


New member
I've begun frequenting AR15.com, but this was the best general firearms forum I've come across. Never tried shooters.com, but might have to check it out.


New member
I'v bought and sold stuff on www.AR15.com but their stuff seems very heavily slanted towards the tactical stuff which doesn't interest me a whole bunch. www.1911forum.com and www.pistolsmith.com are the two other forums I go to on a semi regular basis. www.Accuratereloading.com and www.VarmintHunters.com I go to on occasion but it may be several weeks in between visits.

Any other suggestions on good sites on casual hunting related or general bolt action rifle enjoyment as opposed to specifically the tactical side like www.AR15.com

C. D. Beaver

New member
Bye, Art

I really hate to get the bad news. I'm truly going to miss Art Eatman's insightful advice and his great sense of humor, along with all the other folks who have made this such a great forum.

Thank you, thank you, thank you

Pro Patria


New member
I mostly hang out on Culver's Shooting Page , but also visit AR15.COM and EGUNZ from time to time. Culver's is the probably the best sight for Garand and M1A/M14 info - bar none, and has a lot of very knowledgable posters on all of its other forums as well. It has very sensible rules to keep things civil, and Gloria Culver WILL make sure that you play by the rules.

Both AR15 and Egunz are good general firearms forums. Egunz is newer, and I'm sure that they would appreciate having a few thousand new registrants. Hope to see y'all over at one of the sites. Oh, my handle on Egunz is different than the one I use here. I go by M1Ashooter over there.

I only recently found this site, but I'll miss it nonetheless. :(


New member
I'm truly going to miss Art Eatman's insightful advice and his great sense of humor, along with all the other folks who have made this such a great forum
Megga Ditto!

Same thing applies with 4V50Gary, (here's one.)
I'm sure that guy is smarter than I and morally superior too. I'll stick to my guns and when those knuckle dragging looters come by, I'll wave them by with the barrel of a gun and direct them to his house. I'm sure they'll be equally impressed by his reasoning while they're dragging out his stereo, TV, family heirlooms or perpetrating worse crimes. While he's busily arguing the merits of "redistribution of wealth" by "involutionary confiscation" (or levelling as it was called in Cromwellian tymes), I'll sit at home, alone, feeling dejected as no one wants to argue with my loaded gun.
That last line is a classic! :D


New member
I hang out at sigforum

The amount of information I've learned from the posts here in the last 4 years has been invaluable in my learning process. I just wanted to thank Art, 4V50Gary, Mykl and everyone else that posted thoughtful, insightful, factual and provocative information for us here. Thanks for the ride! See ya out there!


New member
There's a new forum starting up that seems worth your while to check out:


...and no, I'm not affiliated in any way, just a member.

I hate to see TFL close down -- lots of good info and knowledgeable people here, and much less closed minded than some other forums (*cough*1911*cough*).

I also check out some of the "specialty" forums like FAL Files and Krag.


Ron L

New member
I posted a few in the General forum. I'd like to see one compiled post when this thing is all over.