OT: Segway-IT-Ginger?

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New member
I think the creator is just trying to promote it to make himself money. Sure, it's neat, but it's hardly going to revolutionize the way cities are designed.

-Cities are NOT going to ban cars yet allow gyro-scooters. For one thing, it'd be mighty inconvenient to make the delivery trucks stop at the city limits. Also, in my car, even for a short trip, I can carry four other people. Try that on a Seguay. No, maybe all my friends aren't going to buy scooters of their own...

-Property owners would probably not let these things inside their buildings.

-It costs nothing to walk to work. It costs $3,000 for a Seguay, which is about three times what my car is worth. It isn't going to replace pedestrian travel.

-Where are you going to leave it when you go into McDonald's? Chain it to a bike rack?

-Cities are already designed to accommodate cars. They're not building any new cities from scratch, so I doubt we'll be seeing any roadless paradises anytime soon.

I'm not saying it's not cool or anything, but due to its cost and the fact that it's still a vehicle, you won't see it replacing cars. And becuase it costs three grand, it certainly won't replace bicycles, especially among financially-challeneged college students.

David Park

New member
I heard on the news one police dep't (Atlanta? Boston?) is going to have a trial. I don't know if Segway cops will replace bike cops, though. Since the movement is based on your balance, will firing a gun send you flying backwards? :D

I don't really get it either, but you never know.


New member
You have got to be kidding me.
The inventor can not be serious about this. Surely he has not
poured a ton of money into it hoping to dupe the masses.
I'm sorry but the masses are not yet dumbed-down enough to swallow this notion.
I predict this to be the engineering farce of the decade and that only Edsiel collectors will buy them in hopes of a large profit in the distant future for a Ripley's museum piece!

Absolutely laughable!:p


New member
So, this SHT has a speed of 17 mph. Walking down a city street I can do, what 5 or 6 mph?

Just how is this thing going to help in the middle of a Chicago rush hour as everyone walks to their office from the train? Won't they just push you into the Chicago River or traffic as you try to pass? Will you be able to park it as you go into Starbuck's?

What about the weather? It's not exactly sunny and 72 everyday where I live.

I am still waiting for jet packs.


New member
So, this SHT has a speed of 17 mph. Walking down a city street I can do, what 5 or 6 mph?
4 mph is a pretty brisk pace. As far as what do you do with it when you get to McD's; ride it right in.


New member
If you bring up the "interactive popup"

you'll see it is battery operated, by 4 electric motors, and has dual "motherboards", yet can run with 2 motors, if 2 quit, and run on 1 motherboard, if 1 fails...

I'll ask you this, why build it 1/3 HEAVIER than needed, and 1/2 more expensive than needed, if you TRULY wish to mass-market it?

either there are ALOT offailures, and redundant backups are neccesary, or it is a very poorly thought out process...

either way, thay'll not get a DIME of my money!
FWIW - I watched the press release video and there are versions that will have cargo beds attached to them for warehouse use and such.

While it may not be a complete replacement for ped travel, in big cities like NY, it's much easier to hop on one of these than to walk. Imagine the damage it could do to the subways / other mass transit.

Considering that it runs all day on 5 cents of electricity, I'd buy one.
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