(OT) Rats coming outta the woodwork


New member
What's the big deal. We get the same tirades weekly here in NY from people like Al Sharpton and the other Reverend and a bunch of like minded folk.

This is the USA, you can say anything you want, Oh wait, she said it in Canada...OOps!

The sad thing is that the media gives these types an outlet the spew their hate. In this state nothing can happen without some lib info creep checking with the Rev Al for his take :barf:

Geoff Ross

Dave R

New member
So women will never be emancipated until the US stops running the world???

Hmmm. Sanity check here. On the one hand, we have Condi Rice, Carly Fiorina (CEO HP, no comment on performance), et. al.

On the other hand, we have ritual mutilation of female genitaila in the muslim world (female "circumcision"/amputation), women unable to own property or conduct commerce, beaten or jailed if they reveal their ankles or faces in public....

No, this one does not even begin to look rational.


New member
"This cow speaks for me!!!!???"

I believe that she would take that as a compliment.

This porcine piece of puke speaks for me!!!!???

Yeah, that's the ticket.


New member
Do a snatch and grab on the good Professor and release her at daylight on the streets of Kabul wearing a thong.


New member
Sooo, Lawdog, was that a hint?


I pointed out to him that he's a University V.P. and doesn't know he lives in a republic.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
DC, there're 21 cows in my pasture, mooing that they want an apology!

Hokay, couldn't resist:

"Dear Mr. Macrae:

There are many of us out here who would defend a person's right to a strong opinion, whether or not we agree.

It is not the opinion which is at issue. It is the egregious twisting of facts to reach fallacious conclusions which is upsetting. Thobani's rant and prattle falls within this

I have always wondered at the refusal to immediately refute such nonsense. That this sort of creature can babble on and then escape any challenge to the misstatements of fact is shameful. The saddest thing is that it has become so prevalent on college campuses, where once truth, fact and rational thought were considered of primary importance. Most campuses, today, seem to be the final refuge of the intellectually challenged.

Regards, etc..."

:), Art