OT - FCC relaxing the rules?? There's nekkid ladies on my TV!

Jack 99

New member
This is not exactly a complaint. It just seems that the FCC has pretty much stopped enforcing standards on TV lately. Seems to be about a year or so now that I've been seeing a lot more nudity on cable. I was flipping through the channels the other day and caught fully-exposed breasts on E! Fashion Files and Speilberg put the uncut version of Schindler's List (not that its exactly a "sexy" movie despite the nudity) on a while back too.

It was pretty cool last night watching the uncut version of Apocolypse Now though. They didn't even bleep the 'F' word. It was on AMC, which is NOT a pay channel and part of the basic cable package here.

Just wondering if I was the only one who had noticed.


New member
Jack...nope. Last couple of years seen quite a bit including some pubal nudity on the spanish stations here in S.A., some show with some girls danceing wearing mini-skirts slit to waists and one turns and bends and "OH MY!!!!"
no undies. :eek:

Also seen some nipples appearing on the USA network in some of the series shows....bound to happen.


Staff Alumnus
10 years ago, the b-word would get a station's license revoked. Now it's on put-near every show on the air.

Changing morals and public perceptions is what it amounts to. FCC knows that if they close a station for something that's intrinsically harmless, they'll annoy a whooooole lotta people.

Of course, that doesn't stop ATF...

David Scott

New member
The FCC does not regulate cable-only channels like E! because they are not broadcast through the airwaves. You have to subscribe to cable to get it, and it's assumed that if you're paying for it, it's what you wanted. If you don't like it you can complain to the cable company or drop the service.

Personally, I find nipples a lot less distressing than shows that encourage drugs and "gangsta" culture, rap videos that encourage men to treat women as meat, or the WWF.

The USA is one of a very few countries that have any restrictions on broadcasting nudity. Try any European station, they even have nudes in the commercials.


New member
As long as it's only nekkid ladies I'll be OK, when it starts including other nekkid critters I think I'll drop the ol cable service.


New member
I was watching some B movie yesterday (Sci-Fi channel I think) and I swear I heard the girl say the f*** word! We don't get any HBO or Showtime channels, so I know this was regular cable. The standards are definitely getting lax.

My mother used to say: "I'd rather have my kids see something natural on TV like nudity instead of all that violence!"

My parents were aware of what we were watching. I do think R rated stuff should be on late enough so that the parents can control what their children see better.

I am a fan of naked women. :D

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


New member
I have been noticing this....

The radio stations, starting sometime last year, have increasingly not bleeped the f word, as well as most others. I don't get how that started to be ok, but nobody give them any trouble over it and they continue to do it.

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


New member
Get the nekkid ladies off the TV and on the couch next to you, where they belong!

Seriously, we dropped Showtime after seeing some German show with naked young ladies spraying whip cream on the biggest schlong the word has ever seen on a human.

We heard our 14 year kid laughing at the same time we were shocked. She had it on her TV.

So bye bye!

Apple a Day

New member
I think I am getting to be a prude in my old age.
They say words in TV and radio that we can't use here on TFL and I would never consider using in a classroom.
It's not just the frank nudity and language. The 'humor' on sitcoms seems to be based either directly or on thinly veiled sexual innuendo or bodily functions. The morning radio shows around here are trying to out do each other in raunchiness. After about 1.2 seconds I am tired of having someone discuss female hygiene products, bestiality, multiple anonymous sex partners... I just took part in a week-long radio survey. I should have attached a note that said "shut up and play some music!" I remember when Mtv actually played music. One of my students informed me that they had invented a second Mtv channel that actually does play music. The kids didn't understand why I was laughing so hard.
I think what bothers me more than anything is that it all seems so STUPID! There is no wit, no word play other than the four-letter sort, and no original idea (besides the placement of various household appliances with relation to body orifices). If I wanted to be treated like an idiot I would have taped the entire Dem Nat convention!

Those who use arms well cultivate the Way and keep the rules.Thus they can govern in such a way as to prevail over the corrupt- Sun Tzu, The Art of War


New member
About 14 years ago, when I lived up near DC, I taped a Benny Hill episode that showed bare breasts and buttocks. Still have it on tape.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by EnochGale:
Seriously, we dropped Showtime after seeing some German show with naked young ladies spraying whip cream on the biggest schlong the word has ever seen on a human.

Yah, but dat whipt cream wahs soo kold!



New member
The public does seem to be allowing the lax morality on the tube, but of course, if we don't like it, we can change the channel.
Of course, if you really want to hear radio at its absolute best, funniest and most offensive, listen to Phil Hendrie. He's like Boortz, but different.

Long Path

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Scott:
Personally, I find nipples a lot less distressing than shows that encourage drugs and "gangsta" culture, rap videos that encourage men to treat women as meat, or the WWF.[/quote]

Hear, hear!


New member
We have a local radio station here that has been on the air for 75 years.
When I was a kid every morning before school, I would hear the weather, news, and farm reports on the program
"Little Red Barn"
They would also play top 40 and stuff like that. Wonderful air personalities. Great station for years.

As I got older, FM replaced AM on my radio, and music was my entertainment.

Now at 40, I turn back to that old AM station and all I hear are a bunch of sh&& stirring loudmouths. Mostly conservative at least and mostly pro gun.
I still long for the old format.

"Any world that I'm welcome to.....Is better than the one I come from"

Keiller TN

New member
I have a mute box that reads the closed captioning and mutes much of the profanity. But, I've noticed lately, that fewer programs have the closed captioning. Therefore, the mute box does not work. I don't like to think profanity, so I don't want to be trained to use it by the TV. Some movies could be, virtually, silent movies with the use of this mute box.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
(Alexander Solzhenitzyn)

Nestor Rivera

New member
As to the FCC, they only regualte BROADCAST TV if it is on cable the FCC has little to say about it. SCOTUS recently came down with a rulling the even "scrabled" stations may use "weak" scrambling due to the fact the ALL CABLE must be BOUGHT and there for is almost "Caveat Emptor"

[This message has been edited by Nestor Rivera (edited August 28, 2000).]


Staff Alumnus
Why do you think we watched Benny Hill in the first place? We didn't "get" all the eenglish jokes but there were countless nudes on his shows, as was true occasionally on Moty Python and Certainly was true of many a PBS? Masterpiece theatre production (I Claudius, for example) Good. Even network TV (NYPD Blue) uses harsh language and nudity these days. I think the casual violence should be toned down at times, but then cartoons wouldn't be that funny would they?

Man #1 Attack me with this stawberry"
Man #2 What?"
Man #1 "Do it man!"
16 Ton safe falls from ceiling crushing man #2
Man #1 well that just about covers self defense when facing adversaries armed with fruits"

(monty python)

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Benny Hill - I suspect that he's swinging in my family tree off one branch or another.
It would explain a great many things in my father, brothers and I.



New member
Apple A Day,

"They say words in TV and radio that we can't use here on TFL and I would never consider using in a classroom."

You're no prude, you're a gentleman.

Howard Stern is on cable but they block out the nudity. I agree that naked folks are less harmless than the lack of morality espoused by the Hollywood elite.

"Get yourself a Lorcin and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol."