OSHA prosposing rules that might make it difficult to acquire reloading supplies.

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New member
I've copied this post from another site to alert everyone regarding these proposed rules from osha. If passed your reloading may become much more expensive, if at all.

"This "regulation" would put an end to most reloading in the US for it will make it near impossible to sell and transport powder and primers. OSHA wants to put reloading supplies in the same catagory as dynamite etc. As well it will shut most reloading suppliers for the regulations are too costly for the small private shops. As a competitive shooter who reloads frequently, this concerns me.

As well, why it is preposterous, the stats do not support the regulatory step...it's all based on "theoretical scenerios". So, again, we are regulating w/o cause. Basically to buy powder and have it ship you would have to contract a special truck to haul powder and/or primers.

here (http://www.regulations.gov/fdmspublic/component/main) is where you can go to get more info or comment on the proposed rules. Go to advanced search and type in the id document "OSHA-2007-0032-0001". "

It is very long, 55 pages. Please voice your opposition to this regulation as it will effect reloading big time.

Pass it along to other sites if you wish'
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