Ortgies .32 any good?

Dr. Dave

New member
I've found an ortgies in about 60-70% condition for 139.
Is this a reasonable price? Are these guns any good?
How do they compare to others such as the colt .32 and
walther pp?


old hawk

New member
patton used one one night is all about i know on ortgies, he thatred off a scene somehow as legend goes ,possibly defending a woman?

James K

Member In Memoriam
The Ortgies was not a bad gun but is now a collectors item. It has no safety other than the grip safety, and is prone to breaking firing pins if dry fired. If taken down, reassembly is tricky. All in all, I for one would not recommend it for other than a collection. They have little historical value as they were never a military issue pistol. They were common war souvenirs. That price is probably OK, but I have seen ones near 100% go for only $200 or so. For any practical use, I would prefer a Walther PP (because of the double action), with a Colt 1903 second.
