Original New California Star Lubers

Paul Fitz Jones

New member
As the retired Star Company Reconditioning Center and top salesman I have a few San Diego Original 2 million life Lubers in .3560, 3580, .4100, .4290, .4300, .4520 and dies all new in the box with die assembly and disassembly tool included.

While they Last
New Star Reloaders and parts and accessories too

All stored since 1979



New member
Bullet Business

I don't understand. Are you selling sizing dies or complete lubersizers?

Paul Fitz Jones

New member
Lubers and Dies and Tool

While they last I have a few 1977 San Diego Star Original Lubers complete in your choice of one the mentioned calibers with the needed tool for changing caliber dies plus dozens of extra original steel dies and top punches for those who desire them.

I invented the concept of nose first sizing with a flat punch pushing the bullets through which speeded up sizing and stopped cut fingers when the operator was thinking of something else. With my idea cut finger changed to a pinched finger when inattentive. The bullets drop straight through the luber into a coffee can if you still possess a coffee can (SMILE) The Star design luber increases your lubing speed three to four times.

A 9mm/38 flat punch can push a 41 and 44 bullet and I stocked flat 9mm/38 and 45 flat punches that will do all of the bullets without expensive cutting of individual bullet nose shapes.

Since I retired The owners of the Companies like Star and Saeco sold to others who have cheapened the quality of materials and workmanship. These are the originals and collectibles.

I also have a few new Star Reloaders and small Parts

JohnPaul Retired and Loving it
Star Reloader Reconditioning Center


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New member
I will agree the old Star's are great. The new ones aren't bad neither. I have two. One new one that the jury is still out on. I've put about 500 pounds of lead through it so far. The old one was bought used and I have no way of knowing what amount it has done, I've put close to 3000 pounds through it so far breaking only the return spring on the bullet feed. They are great machines and thanks for nose first sizing. Wonderful idea.

I would be interested in a .512 sizing die. You can email me the price. We also do ammo so something on the Star loader would be helpful.


New member
I'm thinking of buying a sixties vintage Star B (or whatever--removable tool heads) in .45 ACP, but the carbide sizer die doesn't take Winchester brass down far enough.

A. Any way to recondition the die, replace the carbide insert, or anything like that for less than the $90 :eek: to just buy a new die?

B. Were any disconnect mechanisms developed so we don't have to catch the powder charge with a little scoop when there's a case NOT in the charge position?


Paul Fitz Jones

New member
45 sizing die in Star

You must have fired your brass in a mighty sloppy chamber or your main shaft nut is not screwed down far enough or your die is not all the way down. I have sold many hundreds of machines, reconditioned hundreds and have never heard of such a problem with The San Diego made machines.

If you have a Phelps copy of the Star you hould have many problems.

Bulged bases can happen with 9mm brass in certain sloppy chambers. The 9mm brass has to be rolled to solve that problem.



New member
The die's down and I even completely removed the expander plug (it was barely touching the insides of the necks), and that was what it took to make the bullets fit barely tight enough.

I'll look at it again and maybe take some measurements.

Love those lubri-sizers from Star. They remain the BEST.

I'm thinking of rigging either a swing-out powder actuator disconnect, or a swing-in powder dump catcher (much easier) for those gaps in the case feed. That's usually caused by munching a case in sizing and not replacing it with a sized&primed case before it advances.