Organized crime

James K

Member In Memoriam
Does organized crime put money into the gun control movement? It would seem to me that they would stand to profit by laws banning guns, just as they profited from laws banning or controlling liquor, drugs, cigarettes, etc.

Guns would be easy to obtain, easy to stockpile and easy to sell at big profits to both career criminals and to people who need protection and are willing to break the law to get it.

The gun control people always seem to have plenty of money and never seem willing to say where it comes from.


Futo Inu

New member
Certainly stands to reason. However, I'm not sure the mob regularly undertakes to lobby Congress or otherwise actively push for a side of a political movement (though they might, to be sure).

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited January 12, 2000).]


New member
does your use of the term 'organized crime' include the Chinese govt??
There was that interesting bit about banning import and then almost looking the other way while they set up shop on the left coast with the blessings of the current white house.
As far as the Mafioso, I don't think they are that big or organized anymore. Hollywood made them more than they really are (or were).
As for the money, alot of wealthy urban and hollywood liberals support the anti-self defense movement. Tom Hanks, Ted Turner, Mel Gibson, etc, etc.