

New member
Sorry if this isn't the correct forum, but I was wondering if anyone living in Oregon can give me a thumbnail description of gun laws. I'm looking at retirement from L/E in the next couple of years, and am considering the S/W of Oregon as an alternative to remaining in northern California.



New member
Oregon gun laws are pretty good IMHO!

Yeah! I'm a native Beaver/Duck complete with webbed feet. As far as gun laws are concerned concealed carry is shall issue with the completion of an approved class (waived for current and retired LEO's and military I think) and a successful NCIC scan. Usually takes a week or so. Actual issue is by county. Purchase a gun and it is over the counter with only a state telephone check at the time of purchase. Depending on the volume of a given day the longest it has taken me to "check out" is about five minutes. No waiting period per se. From what I have come to learn of other states Oregon is pretty middle of the road as far as gun laws are concerned. My daughter lives in SW Oregon, Gold Beach, and it is the best weather in all of the state. The area has become a haven for California retirees/escapees. Welcome to Oregon:) Good shooting:D


New member
Good to hear about the weather in the lower S/W part of the state. My wife & I still want to be able to ride our motorcycles as much of the year as possible. Thanks!;)


New member
I live in northwest orgeon, in a town called Beaverton. It is really close to Portland. I was born and raised here, and have lived in this part of the state my whole life. I'd recomend Oregon to everyone. There is no sales tax :D and you don't have to pump your own gas. The gun laws arn't too bad, and are pretty darn good compared to the laws down in CA. The enviroment is very different in different parts of Oregon. In the east and south, it's cold in the winter and hot in the summer, and very desert like. In the area where I'm at, it's almost a jungle. It rains 75% of the time, and the forrests are VERY dense. I would rather live up here than in southern Oregon, there are alot more liberals in south and eastern oregon than around here. Look out for Ashland and Eugene (I think my spelling is off, I'm getting pretty sleepy, sorry about that). They are major hippie towns. The only place thats really like that up here is Portland itself. I avoid portland at all costs ;)

Anyway, if I were you I'd escape the communist country that is called Californa and move north to freedom!


New member
{quote]Sorry if this isn't the correct forum, but I was wondering if anyone living in Oregon can give me a thumbnail description of gun laws. I'm looking at retirement from L/E in the next couple of years, and am considering the S/W of Oregon as an alternative to remaining in northern California.[/quote]

The Packing.org reference is good.

Basically, you can't, with a CHL, carry in courthouses or adjacent areas of the building, or in places federally prohibited (for example, the Pioneer Square Courthouse Building in Downtown Portland).

Some judges just make the their courtrooms free of firearms by their own decree, and some of the lead judges have declared the entire building to be "free of any firearms", which you'll have a problem in Multnomah county, who's judge decided that the entire building needed to be "cleansed".

Other than that, Oregon's gun laws in regards to CHL is excellent. Much better than Washington's, even.


New member
...and you don't have to pump your own gas.

You aren't ALLOWED to pump your own gas!!
The difference is huge.
Most stations nationwide have full-service pumps.
Why I have to pay some scraggly shuffler to squeeze a handle for me, I haven't figured out.
All-in-all, though, I'm enjoying my stay.



New member
Most gas stations have full service outside of Oregon?

Been to Florida lately? I've never seen a full-service area in a gas station there...ever.


New member
Completely off topic, but I lived in a residential area right behind the baseball field of Aloha High School. Other than Tennessee, it is my favorite state!
Brother-in-law and sis-in-law (he's American; she's Aussie) live in Oregon -- Salem, in fact. Visited last year and loved it. Went shooting with B-I-L at Shooter's Mercantile (hear it's closing down :( ) Loved the people, the lifestyle (not all that different from here in Perth), the countryside (the beach was a bit chilly round the testimonials, though :D). Got taken to my first gun show there, too and bought a scope for half what it would have cost me here, even with the lousy exchange rate.

B-I-L and S-I-L are keen bike tourers (BMWs) and B-I-L carries a handgun for protection when they're way out beyond the black stump. Wish we could do the same here.



New member
Aloha High School huh? Cool, I live about 5 min away from there.

Hey LonWilson, are you the one who sent me that e-mail a couple days ago?


New member

I lived in a subdivision just off of 185th. If you are going down 185th towards the little shopping area down the road past the 4 way intersection at the front of the highschool, one would make a right turn where the track and football field is.

Loved that area. Would like to live there again, but circumstances now dictate otherwise. Maybe someday...