Oregon: SB 941 Signed

Governor Brown has signed Oregon's "universal background check" bill into law.

Their next target is Nevada. If you live there, start hammering your elected officials on this soon. Sometimes the perception of momentum can lead to real momentum.

In an echo of the situation in Washington state, Josephine Sheriff Dave Daniel says he won't be enforcing it.


New member
From the linked article:
"In 2013, Brady background checks blocked 2,215 prohibited sales in Oregon; an average of six every day."

I'd like to see the data on how many prosecutions there were for all those. Probably next to none. I just don't get their thinking, or lack of it, I guess. They don't enforce existing background check laws, and solve the problem by adding more background checks. And they're going to spread the lies, and the uninformed and naïve will drink the Kool-Aid. Sad.


New member
Their next target is Nevada. If you live there, start hammering your elected officials on this soon. Sometimes the perception of momentum can lead to real momentum.


The way to move Washington, [said Everytown president John] Feinblatt, is to transfer an issue to the state level. He compared such a move to the success of gay rights as judges in multiple states continue to strike decades-old bans on same-sex marriage.

We plan to keep building on this exciting momentum, taking this issue directly to voters in more states and showing the gun lobby ‘lap dogs’ in statehouses and Congress exactly where the American people stand,” said Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign.

Exactly, Tom.
The anti-gun folks plan this stuff. It's not by accident.
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I'd like to see the data on how many prosecutions there were for all those.
Almost none.

Yes, the checks are blocking or impeding sales (which is the point). However, those blocked sales do not necessarily entail disqualified criminals being denied. In fact, most denials are false positives, or initial delays that are being counted as denials.

To this day, proponents of the Brady Bill and its derivatives can provide absolutely no evidence that it has had an effect on crime or criminal firearm ownership.


New member
I was pleasantly surprised when I moved to the PACnw because there is a high concentration of people who enjoy guns and shooting... Way more accepted and mainstream than Texas....

As I've said before, it's completely shocking that these laws got passed in Washington and Oregon. But also it has been said that the fault lies in the i5 corridor.
Portland also seems to have a culture of banning everything that can be banned.
Just my view of the world...


New member
From Tom Servo:
"Yes, the checks are blocking or impeding sales (which is the point). However, those blocked sales do not necessarily entail disqualified criminals being denied. In fact, most denials are false positives, or initial delays that are being counted as denials."

Oh, I believe that may be, but why not use their own numbers against them, and turn the tables a bit. If they want to boast about their system, they should be eating the bad with the good.

ETA: I didn't read the linked article until after I posted....wow, 94+% false positives.
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44 AMP

Some years after the Brady background check law I recall a claim about how "thousands" of criminals had been prevented from getting guns. (they did claim a number in the thousands, I no longer recall how many).

Investigation revealed that despite all the thousands of denials, there had only been 44 prosecutions, and at that time, none had resulted in convictions.

These new background check laws in WA and OR (if allowed to stand despite valid legal issues) will be treated the same way.

The issue of a lack of prosecution was put to VP Biden (might be a couple years ago now...not sure) but his response (on camera) was "We don't have time for that..."

Not only do the people supporting these laws not care about how they are written to entrap innocent people they don't care about prosecuting the guilty!

I can only conclude that it has nothing to do with guns, or public safety (no matter what they say), it has only to do with their power to tell us what we can, and cannot do. Simply put, it is punishment because we like something they do not.

If you can show me this is not actually the case, I will listen...


New member
I believe that, 44Amp.

There are other banning, anti this and anti that, movements that aren't related to firearms that really concern me.

It always bothers me too when something passes, and part of the celebratory remarks are about it being a good first step.

The Pacific Northwest is a proving ground for many future ideas


New member

I just don't get these people.
They vote on the word of a politician and never investigate on their own.
Just give your God given rights away one at a time and one day you are the slave of the tyrant you elected.


New member
There are too many people, including many gun owners, who are under the assumption that background checks are really stopping the bad guys from getting guns, when we know that is not the case. Also, too many gun owners have the attitude, "Well, I don't have anything to hide, so I don't mind the government doing a background check on me before I buy a gun". That's a very short sighted attitude. Eventually, the background checks lead to registration of the guns you own. Once the government has that information, when they come up with some new ban for some particular style of firearm(s), they'll have an easy time collecting all of those types of firearms from citizens. Anyone who ignores the slippery slope argument and goes along to get along with the gun control supporters, is risking their RKBA.