Oregon Magazine Ban


New member
It doesn't even appear to allow you to sell or otherwise dispose of the magazines out-of-state. And it never describes the "emergency" that the Bill is talking about.
$6250? How did they come up with that number?

I don't know Oregon politics that well, but does this actually stand a chance at passage?


New member
I suppose that 6250 is supposed to intimidate someone who knows he'll go to the pen if hes caught in his crimes anyways?


New member
I sent an email regarding this bill to the 29 Oregon State Senators.

The response wasn't surprising because the last few times that I've written to these folks the response is disappointing. No wonder that people don't bother to write their state legislators.

Two responded with an email.
Four were undeliverable.
Nine read it.
One was deleted without reading.

The other 12? Who knows.


New member
I don't know Oregon politics that well, but does this actually stand a chance at passage?

Little chance of passage. Though it will probably make to the floor. There a few bills floating about, including one that would require a prescription from a Dr. to purchase a pack of cigarettes.


New member
I emailed every senator yesterday, none of them bounced so I'd guess that you messed up the address for those that did. Email read receipts are unreliable, the recipient must allow the read response, most probably don't, or don't even know about it, having the same result.

So far two have responded (more than I expected on Super Bowl weekend) and both stated opposition to any new gun control, not just this bill.

The general feeling on Northwest Firearms is that it won't pass, the sponsor of this bill does it every year. Still have to be vocal though.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus that ate your iPhone.


New member
I recieved an email reply from two of Oregons politicians. Suzanne Bonamici explicetly said in her reply that she supports the magazine capacity ban. I replied but got an automated reply only minutes later. I doubt she cares...

meanwhile, Senator Jeffrey Merkley replied he was a strong supporter of second amendment rights.

as a resident, I doubt it will pass. I have always enjoyed what I feel is a pro 2A state with the exeption of Portland. I feel comforted to learn that many of the states sherriffs have written letters making a stand to not support any new gun laws like an AWB.

Glockstar .40

New member
doubt it'll pass there has been alot of sheriffs and law enforcement strongly opposing this type of legislation here... but who knows nowadays:rolleyes:

if it does i guess i'll be buying property in wyoming


New member
Then they have to contend with the Oregon state constitution...which means if it does pass, it will probably be thrown out.


New member
This would make the machine guns that are allowed to be pretty much useless!

I also doubt it will pass. This is just grandstanding by some in the legislature, trying for their moment in the spotlight. But it is odd that in three areas it specifically says that passage of this bill creates an emergency.

I believe an initiative that was on the ballot in November was passed and allows the governor to declare "an emergency" with very little restriction, and then he does not have to abide by the budget controls. So perhaps this is a rider being attached to a lot of bills to establish a vague, undefined, indeterminate emergency so the State does not have to live within the budget?

Only politicians dream up this sort of stuff.


New member
I think that bill stands a chance of passing in Oregon as it is a very liberal state. I moved from there to Georgia many years ago and I am not looking back.


New member
I've now received 5 responses from state senators, all stating that they oppose this bill, and will oppose any other gun control bills. A couple even said they oppose some of the current laws (which really aren't bad here). The most surprising part was the language used. None of them used any political double speak or padded it with bs. They all straight up said they oppose it.

That's 5 of 5 responses against, 3 republican and 2 democrat (see, don't paint with such a broad liberal brush). I don't think it will pass.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus that ate your iPhone.


New member
Thanks for the report out to us Ralgha! That is encouraging to hear the unequivocal responses from members of both parties. We need more of that at the national level (i.e., spine).


New member
It's my understanding that outside of Portland, that OR is mostly a conservative state. I was there a couple times in the past and Portland is filled with these hipster kids left and right. And how do they come up with these figures...$6250?


New member
What's crazy is that Oregon allows (with the appropriate federal compliance) Title II firearms like machine guns, short barrel rifles and shotguns, as well as full-auto knives and Bali-song knives. None of which are allowed in my state to the north.

These liberal politicians are ignorant and pandering to the uninformed, like usual. I hope they don't find out...