Oregon fights a ballot initiative - "gun show" sales


Member In Memoriam
FYI from an e-mail ....

"Your Help Is Needed
-- Oregon Anti-Gun Initiative Has Nationwide Impact


Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund E-Mail/Fax Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 http://www.gunowners.org

August 22, 2000

Dear Gun Rights Supporter,

Please take a moment to read the note I've attached below. It is from the Executive Director of the Oregon Firearms Federation (OFF), an organization we are proud to call our friends.

OFF needs your help right away to fight a vicious anti-gun initiative.

And frankly, their fight is your fight because, if the anti-gunners win without a fight in Oregon, they've sworn to take the same effort (either by initiative or legislation) to every state in America.

In Oregon's last legislative session, OFF was the ONLY state lobbying organization and GOA the ONLY national organization to fight House Bill 2535, a terrible piece of anti-freedom legislation which is now the basis for the Oregon initiative.

House Bill 2535 would have outlawed private firearms transfers at gun shows and many private transfers outside of gun shows. GOA
members in Oregon, along with the supporters of OFF, fought this bill tooth and nail when they were told they had "no chance" of
winning. In the end, their dogged efforts paid off and the bill was killed.

Now this terrible legislation is back as a "ballot initiative" and our friends in Oregon need your financial help. GOA will be helping too, but Oregon's election law severely (and probably unconstitutionally) limits what an outside group can do. That's why your financial contribution to OFF-PAC is so important.

I hope you'll take a moment to read this message from the Oregon Firearms Federation and be as generous as you can in assisting them.

Very truly yours,

Larry Pratt
Executive Director GOA-PVF

PS: A clip-off coupon to send with your check to OFF-PAC is attached (but not here as it didn't fit the format very well - labgrade) to the end of OFF's letter. Or contribute online by visiting their
website at: http://oregonfirearms.org/store/join_off.html


PO BOX 556
CANBY OR 97013

Dear Friend,

Time and time again, pro-gunners are told to quit, to give up, because "we cannot win."

And time and time again, the truth is when we stand together we can and do win.

Even though you may not live in Oregan, I ask you to stand with me and the other pro-gunners at Oregan Firearms Federation (OFF) in a fight that will impact gun owners across the country.

Just a year ago OFF and GOA defeated a vicious attack on gun rights after having been told victory was "out of the question." The members of Gun Owners of America and the supporters of the Oregon
Firearms Federation fought a battle against impossible odds, and because they NEVER gave up, snatched victory from the very jaws of

But now we're facing an even graver danger to our rights and our freedom and I desperately need your help.

"Measure 5" has qualified for the November ballot and if it passes, Oregon will be well on its way to universal gun registration. Yes, the same type of registration that has our fellow gun owners in New York and California facing prison time if they don't turn in privately held rifles and shotguns to the government.

An awful lot of people said "it can't happen here" but without your help it most certainly can.

Quite simply, Measure 5 will make it a criminal act to buy, sell, trade or give a gun to another person at loosely defined "gun shows" without permission of the police. According to this measure, your
home could be a "gun show." Of course, there will be a fee charged each time a gun changes hands, but it gets worse.

Every transfer will be databased and the police are mandated to maintain that database of gun owners. I think, having seen what's happened in other parts of the country, that that's chilling. Of course, there's more.

Collectors who want to sell or trade guns will be forced to run background checks using the "National Instant Check System." This is the same system that was "non operational" for the entire weekend of the "Million Mom March." What a coincidence.

This means that if the enemies of freedom have their way, ALL transfers at "gun shows" could be shut down with the flip of a switch. It's already happened many times and you can bet it will happen again.

If the anti-freedom bigots get their way, it won't be long before common firearms will be rounded up by the Oregon State Police. But
we can stop this insanity with your help.

You see, whether you live in Oregon or not, this is your fight. If the gun grabbers are successful here, they'll build on this victory to carry their message of "no freedom, no privacy" to every state where they have not already forced their agenda.

I think we can stop them. We've done it before. But, whether we win or lose we MUST make this a bruising and painful battle for them.

I have no crystal ball and with the media and the big bucks from corporate America aligned against us this won't be easy, but if we don't make this a knock down, drag out street fight the gun grabbers will feel like they can't lose.

If you'll help, I promise to wage the toughest fight the enemies of liberty have ever seen. I promise we'll never give an inch, we'll always speak the truth and with the help of God we'll win this fight.

Oregon Firearms Federation has formed a political action committee to battle this measure. Your contribution will give us the resources to counter the incredibly well funded anti-rights lobby.

In the past we've been told "it couldn't be done" and we did it.

Will you help us do it again?

Very truly yours,

Kevin Starrett
Executive Director

PS: We have very little time to win this battle. Anything you can do would go a long way for the protection of all our rights. Please use the cut and clip coupon below or go to http://oregonfirearms.org/store/join_off.html to use your credit card. For credit card donations please use the "comments" field to
note contributions are for OFFPAC. Donations over $50.00 require that you list your occupation. Please use the "comments" field for that information as well. If you're an Oregon resident, your contribution is deductible on your Oregon tax return up to $50.00 for individuals, $100.00 for couples. Please do whatever you can to stop the gun grabbers. Thank you for your help.


OFF PAC Stop Measure 5 Reply Form

(form removed)

Oregon Firearms Federation
PO Box 556
Canby OR 97013

Please Make Checks Payable to "OFFPAC"

Contributions are not deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes.

Authorized and paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory
Fund in cooperation with Oregon Firearms Federation Political Action


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