Ordering West Coast Bullets Vancouver, Portland area


New member
I am tring to get enough people together to order at least 200Lb of bullets, from West Coast Bullet company. IMO they have the best Copper Plated bullets around, There bullets are also the thickest plated for higher speeds, in casae you want to push them faster.

They give a great discount for large orders and we would split the cost of shipping. Here is there web site.West Coast Web Site If Interested Email me.Tony

I am in the Vancouver WA Area.
I will be getting a couple thousand. That would be about 50 Lbs.

Tony Z:)

John Forsyth

New member
tonyz, good idea. Myself and a few friends here in middle TN do the same thing. Four peole ordering a couple thousand each can usually make it. We like the West Coast bullets as well.