Ordering my 1911


New member
I couldn't find the Rock Island Armory I wanted locally so I ordered one from Gallery of Guns on September 25th. but late in the day. They said if I had not heard from my chosen LGS in three or four days, to give the store a call. I called on Wednesday and they didn't have it and asked me to call them after 2:00PM on Thursday. I called on Thursday afternoon and they said they had contacted Davidson's and it had not been shipped until Wednesday. I e-mailed Davidson's asking why and they blamed in on the LGS. I got an e-mail on Friday morning that said the gun had been shipped 2nd day FedEx. I got an e-mail from Davidson's this morning that said:
Your request to hold the following item has expired.

Item# : 51632
Desc : ARM M1911A1FS TAC 9MM 5PRK 9RD
Hold On: 09/28/15 13:08:41

For further information, please contact us at:


I checked my credit card and it was charged on September 28th. Wonder if my gun is really coming?


New member
My guess is yes. It'll probably be at your FFL tomorrow. If not, someone's got some 'splainin' to do.


New member
I called Davidson's this morning and they said the gun shipped Thursday and should be at my LGS today. Called the LGS just after lunch (to give FedEx time to deliver) and they had it. I drove 40 miles down the interstate and picked up the gun. The transaction was smooth and it took about 10 minutes and I dealt with very nice folks. Brought it home, disassembled it to clean out the oil and grease. I shot 3 magazines through it flawlessly. It is nicer than I expected and the recoil is minimal. It feels and shoots very much like my Ruger 22/45 MkIII Target but with recoil. It is much easier to disassemble and assemble than the Ruger.

Uncle Malice

New member
Congratulations! Don't you know you're supposed to share pics of new guns!? ;)

Is that the new style Rock Islands with the small laser logo on the back of the slide by the serrations instead of the old giant billboard across the flat?


New member
Congratulations! Don't you know you're supposed to share pics of new guns!?

Is that the new style Rock Islands with the small laser logo on the back of the slide by the serrations instead of the old giant billboard across the flat?

Haven't figured out how to share pics.

It's has the small logo and you have to look close to see what the brand is. It's a really good looking gun with the Parkerized finish and no large logos..


New member
You need to learn to post pics for the heck of it. If using windows, I recommend downloading and installing this little piece of software to resize your photo un less you already use something else. This one is very simple.


Some photos don't require resizing and some do. Hate it when someone posts a pic the size of Texas. You can resize in most hosting services but this is a handy tool for all photos that you use for other purposes other than forums.

Once installed, you can right click on any photo and going down a bit in the drop down menu, left click on "resize pictures". This opens a resize window.

Select the first radio button which is the small size recommended for forums. Don't worry, it won't be real small.

In the method I'm showing you, it will use your same file name with the additional (small) added to it. Now you have the original and the new small pic.

I would suggest using a hosting service such as Imgur. Sign up to it and then proceed. http://imgur.com/ Within any photo hosting service your personal settings will include things such as who you give access to your pics, etc. Might want to take care of your preferences once you upload a pic or two.

Open Imgur. Here's one way to upload images to Imgur:

At the top, left click "upload images".

Left click "browse your computer".

In the new window, go find the pic, select it and click open.

Down near the bottom right of that same window, click on start upload.

In a matter of seconds the new photo will appear.

To the right of the new photo is yet another window titled Share Photo

Go down to the choice titled BBCode (Forums)

Right click in it's window which begins with

In the drop down menu, click on "copy".

Come back to this forum and open a text window. Say what you have to say. Hit return once or twice.

Right click and in the drop down menu, click paste.

Finish up with selecting Submit Reply.

Very easy.

If you use another tool for resizing, it's best to use the size 854x480 pixels. A while back I believe that was 640x480 however times and things change. If the tool you choose to resize use the 640x480 format, that's fine. Good luck and let's see a pic or two. :)


New member


  • DSCF0048 (Small) - Copy.JPG
    DSCF0048 (Small) - Copy.JPG
    114.3 KB · Views: 12
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New member
Osbornk, Imashooter----I was going to comment on the instructions given by Imashooter as the reason why i do not deal with photos but you apparently were successful! I shall give it a go but wondered if the same instructions will work with an ipad as that is my only computer. I am also "computer challenged" i can spend a lot of money at Brownells and others but my skills do not extend much further and am too damn old to learn a new language.


New member
Ibmikey, it's much easier than these lengthy instructions make it appear. With your iPad you can either use imgur within a browser or you can download the imgur app. Another option for all is to post a pic directly from your device, pc, etc to the forum. Same deal. Open a new text window and type whatever's on your mind.

Scroll down a little beneath the text window and launch "Manage Attachments". This launches a new window which includes a few buttons titled Choose File.

Click "Choose File"

This lets you search your hard drive, device, etc for the pic you wish to post.

Find and select the photo / click "open" at the bottom right of that window.

Now click "upload" in the window which said Choose File. Give it a few seconds. The pic is now uploaded. Finish by clicking Submit Reply.


New member
It seems to be working for me. I've tried and failed before and this is the first time it has actually worked. thanks.


New member
Good job and nice pistol. We must see the other side. :) Something I noticed today was when posting the pic here today, it posted only a link to the pic instead of embedding the pic within the text box. I used the same method today in 2 other forums and it posted the pic as expected. I posted a couple of pics here about a month ago in the usual manner. Perhaps the forum owners are trying to save space.


New member
Very nice 1911. I really like that they aren't putting the giant Rock Island roll billboard on the slides any longer. Looks much cleaner now. I might have to get one of their nickel plated versions :D .