Optima 2000 MOA


New member
I am getting ready to add a Red Dot to my Beretta 92 FS and the Optima comes in 3.5 and 7 MOA. Now, I realize that this means that the one dot is twice the size of the other but I don't know what that means in real terms. I will be using it for IPSC and just regular paper punching. Would you mind please sharing your experience and advice with me?


Blue Duck357

New member
Sorry can't give any advice on them as I have not used one, but the MOA thing means the 3.5 unit will have a 3.5 inch size dot on the target at 100 yards and the 7 a seven inch dot at 100 yards. It's size on the target will change with the range your shooting at:

200 yards the 3.5 dot will be 7" on the target while the Seven will be appear to be 14" on the target.

50 yards, the 3.5 unit will have a 1 3/4" inch dot and the seven a 3.5 inch dot.

25 yards the seven will have a 1 3/4" inch dot on the target and the 3.5's dot a little under an inch.

As a rule people choose between these two based on if they want to pick up the big dot for fast close shooting or the smaller dot for a tad slower but more precise shooting. I did not know from your post if you knew this was the way they worked or not, so apologies if I wasted your time with it.

Regards, Blueduck


New member
Poperszky, I have the 3.5 moa dot on my Smith 686 6" and love it. I haven't shot it out past 25 yards yet, but it should only get better as I get accustomed to it. I looked at a Colt Officer's ACP this weekend that had the 7 moa dot....couldn't tell a whole lot of difference, except the 7 moa dot was slightly fuzzier than mine. It could have been an earlier production sight also, not sure. The 7 moa dot isn't so much bigger than the 3.5 moa dot to make a huge difference on sight acquisition....either the dot is on there and on target or it's not:)


New member
Poperszky, I just posted a reply on your other thread too....about Botach Tactical. It just so happens I bought my Optima from them a couple of weeks ago.