Opinions sought Re: P345 v.s. XD9 .45


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Here is my story sad but true. Went down hard on a bike seven years ago. After two years of surgery and rehab my collection was down to two prize revolvers. (S&W 25-5 .45 LC and Colt New Pocket .32 S&W long)

Recently wanted to start shooting regular again so I went looking for an inexpensive pistol for range time. After reading a whole bunch decided to roll the dice on a Hi Point in .40 (don't really love the caliber, don't hate it and think it a good idea to have some kind of .40 on hand). Great for what I got it for.

Also picked up a Hi Point C9 for much the same reason. Feel very strongly that any serious shooter should have a 9mm in the case.

Now I have decided to get my CCW as my new state is now shall issue. I want a .45 auto full size or nearly so that I could use for Security work if I get back into it.

First choice for me would be a 1911, but many companies will not go for cocked and locked, don't want a customized sfss job or some such to explain in court and don't want the LDA.

I am down to the Ruger P345 and the XD. Not really interested in expounding on the high cap/8 shot issues - but go right ahead and jump on that one if you feel the need.

Most interested in those who have shot either as I haven't, but all thoughts are welcome.

Have an idea of which way I am leaning, don't think I can go too wrong with either. Will be doing this in the next ten days so don't think about it too long - post up!

Have read everything I can google on these - so give me what's not out there - your thoughts.

44 Deerslayer

New member
I've had both and kept the XD45 and gave the P345 to my son in-law. They are both good guns but I just liked the XD better. Why?

Easier to fieldstrip
Forged barrel and slide, not cast
Ammunition capacity
No magazine disconnect
No internal lock
To me it seems to be higher quality, no rough edges on the metal, take the 345 apart and it's pretty crude.


New member

Good to know. I considered myself well read on both guns and did not realize that the XD had no mag disco. Guess I just assumed that lawyers were breaking into factories at night and installing them :cool:


New member
Never shot the XD's but I've held them and they feel good in the hand.

My every day carry is a Ruger P345 or P97 (depending on my mood :))

My P345 is scary accurate. It is slim and light (about the same dimensions as a commander sized 1911). See the comparision pics here between the P90/97/345 along with measurements. See the range report I did here for how accurate it is. Those pics are from the first time I ever shot it.

It is a snap to field strip and clean, Mine doesn't look rough on the inside or out. Or maybe I'm just not refined enough to notice :). The mag disconnect doesn't bother me, but if it bothers you it is easily removed.


New member
I have used both and pick the XD mostly for the same reasons used above. But as I also have a fondness for 1911's, the XD's grip safety really appealed to me. It's just that "1911" feel of the GS in the webbing of my hand. The after-market for XDs has really exploded over the last year or so making accessories really easy to find. Also, there are many 'smiths out there doing fine SAFE work on the triggers making them much more user friendly than factory.


New member
I recently purchased my P345 used and it has surpassed my other .45's in performance and handling. I carried an XD45C as my EDC before I got the Ruger and I still consider it an excellent pistol. However, I have always considered it to be sort of top heavy.

To me the P345 is much better balanced and I find it to be slightly more accurate. I like the traditional DA set up and the manual safety/decocker that my model has (I keep the safety engaged at night when it is on my bedside table).

Being that it is a single stack it is easier to carry and being that I'm an old 1911 guy, I consider 8 +1 with a spare magazine enough to get the job done. Like rantingredneck said, the magazine disconnect is easily removed if you don't like it. I removed mine and also replaced the stock hammer spring with a 19# spring from Wolff to improve the DA trigger pull in about ten minutes.

Here's my range report if you are interested :)

I originally posted the same report here, but it was lost in some technical issues that the site had a few weeks ago.


New member
Most people I know or have read talking about the 345 like them. Mine felt good in the hand and shot everything I fed it including reloaded L-SWCs. I liked the DA/SA system. Problem was, it wouldn't hit the side of a barn.

I got rid of it and got a XD45 Tactical and love it. Although it doesn't like SWCs, it shoots everything else with good accuracy. In fact, I like the XDs so well, I now have three of them.


New member
Problem was, it wouldn't hit the side of a barn.

Interesting, that is the first time I have heard that about a p345. I did own an early 9mm Ruger auto that was not impressively accurate. Did this happen with more than one shooter? Is it possible that the gun and you just did not agree?

I know I never shot better than 280 on the standard ppc with my GLock 23, but another shooter was flawless when he borrowed it for a run. I really liked that GLock, but was not surgical with it. Only a couple of guns I have tried always seem to shoot really well in my hand.

Unfortunately one of them is my Hi Point .40. If only it were a decent carry gun. Cheap mags, counterweight rattle, dubious safety catch, mag release that has a mind of its' own. But dang, it shoots really good in my hand.

My heart wants the dark earth XD tactical with night sights and a lasermax. My head is telling me that as an armed guard the internal lock, magazine disconnect and safety are things that are good to have in terms of civil liability though they are not tactically sound.

But since I tend to wear retention holsters and keep knives and BUG's where I can get them with either hand...... hmmmm.

Easy to "what if" yourself into total inaction on this one.

Price is a minor factor. I am spending money I didn't know I had. But I could get the Ruger, night sights, and a 22/45 for about what I would spend on the Tac and lasermax.

Decisions, decisions.


New member
I've had the chance to shoot a lot of different .45s at our range, but have found nothing that makes me want to trade in my P345 as a carry gun.


New member
I have a p345 and I really like it but I've decided I don't really like the DA/SA trigger. so aside from capacity the xd's only advantage in my mind is the consistant trigger pull.


New member
I've owned both. Both have a history of QC issues. Both benefit enormously from some trigger polishing.

I was never able to get the XD trigger to break as cleanly. It may just be the differnce between a striker design and a hammer design. Consequently, I can't make the freakishly small (for me) groups with an XD that I can with a 345.

Bob Hostetter

New member
With the parts currently available for the XD the trigger can be made to break very short and light, with a reasonably crisp break. Short of a 1911, it can be made into one of the best trigger's out there.


New member
Owned both

Now I only have the XD45C.

XD45C 10+1 rounds or 13+1 rounds. P345 8 rounds.

Both weigh in about the same.

Xd has SA P345 DA/SA

XD does not have the stupid mag disconect. P345 does.

XD45C hides better. Never could hide the P345 to my liking.



New member
Interesting, that is the first time I have heard that about a p345. I did own an early 9mm Ruger auto that was not impressively accurate. Did this happen with more than one shooter? Is it possible that the gun and you just did not agree? -Perldog007

Actually, the 345 and I DID agree all the way up to where external ballistics took over! My shooting buddy had the same experience with it. I had picked up the 345 used, and I see now why someone got rid of it ;)

I really did like the handling of the P345, and after all the comments I have read across the forums about other's experiences with them, I'd not hesitate to grab another one if I ran across a good deal. Still, I prefer my XDs...


New member
NOt what I expected

After doing all the reading including the boring parts of gun mag reviews where they get into measurements - I expected to lean towards the XD.

After Handling both, the edge goes to the p345 in my hand. Going to rent an XD in 9mm (they don't have .45 for rent) and see how it goes, but right now it looks like the p345.

At the store I am shopping at the p345 is like 80 USD cheaper than the XD - but it doesn't come with the belt slide and ammo carrier. So the practical difference is more like 40 bucks. Mag prices are comparable (which kept Taurus out of my process)

Hope to make a decision and post pics of new acquisition and target by Saturday.


New member
I own a KP345 and love it. I also own an XD in 9mm and love it. It really will come down to a personal preference to you. I have had an opportunity to shoot the XD45 many times and will say that to me it was surprising how little recoil or push I felt. It is very comparable to the feel of the XD9 and accurate. What I do like about the XD over the Ruger is the ease and quickness of the takedown, not that the Ruger is sooooo much more of a hassle, it's just the XD is really that simple and fast. Another thing is the XD45's magazine capacity...wow! If I had to do it over again, I would probably have still bought the Ruger, I like the slimmer single stack feel. Plus my Ruger shoots like a laser!!


New member
Heart wins out over head

I did end up with the XD standard 4" service pistol, flat black.

Have owned and carried a Glock before so keeping the finger off the trigger and proper carry methods are familiar, the grip safety appeals to me.

Magazine capacity did sway me after all. Goblins in my berg seem to come in multiples - it ain't the big city 'round here, but it's getting more dangerous. I live in one of the last places on the Eastern Seaboard to be built up.

The last serious incident in my neighborhood was a homicide, four actors against one homeowner. So my compadres finally convinced me to go High Cap.

Still I may save up for that Ruger p345 after I get a plinker in .22.

Should get to the range in the next week. Will Post up results.


New member
Congrats on your new purchase! You really can't go wrong with either choice. The XD45 will serve you well. Now it needs a Remington 870 to go with it!:D


New member
Please post a report. I've almost decided that my next .45 is either going to be an XD or a G21SF.

In the mean time, me and my P345 are going hunting. See you fellas later tonight. :)