Opinions On Weatherby


New member
I'm not familiar with them all that much, but that sounds like a Weatherby Vanguard a friend of mine has. For a lower priced gun, its top notch imo.


New member
Its a nice rifle, made just like the Howa 1500 in the same factory in Japan. I'd not hesitate to get one, just not with that scope.


New member
Yeah- what he said... Walmart has good deals on the Vanguards. My buddy got a 7mm mag with a nice Leupold and extras and it was $350 for the rifle and $200 for the scope. The thing is really accurate and I'm thinking of getting one myself.


Wby Vanguard package

These packages are usually a good buy compared to buying a piece at a time. The scopes are not the best but will do until a better one can be purchased. My complaint with the older Vanguard is the trigger. When you put another $100-$125 into a good trigger, you've got the price up to the average moderate cost lines. I've had good results with the Howa but not as accurate as my Remington 700's. I bought 2 Vanguards last year in .223 and 257 Wby. The 223 has anacceptable trigger but the 257 hitches and grinds it's way to release making accurate shots more difficult. Midway has a Tmney on sale now so it may go on my next order.

Dallas Jack

New member
I've got three of the Vanguard synthetics and like them just fine. If you intend to just use it for a few shots a season the package deal is OK. If you intend to shoot it year round at the range I would not waste the money on the scope/rings/bases that come in the package. Save the money for better.

On the Vanguards the trigger is the weak link. If it is not good out of the box you can send it back to Weatherby and they will fix it.

Don't forget they come with a 1.5 inch guarantee. Mine shot better than that but not as well as I wanted. I free floated the barrels and later replaced the stocks and triggers. Not needed, just the path I took.
Dallas Jack


New member
I own a Vanguard in 300WBY and couldn't be happier. I have owned a few MDL 700's and while they are all quite serviceable none are as accurate as my Vanguard. The factory target is between .6-.7". I haven't gotten a .6" group yet but with factory or reloads i can get 1" reliably. I have taken two mule deer with my 180gr TTX handloads and couldn't be more pleased. The more you learn about the Vanguard the more you'll like it.
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