Opinions on the Bushmaster XM-15 A2 ?


New member
I am leaning towards getting one as my first Ar-15 because it has the GI configuration I prefer. Any comments ?


New member
I have two of them and have had no issues with either. I have the second one because they were on sale and I had money.


New member
I have three of the model that has a red dot included new in the box for my grand sons and son in law. My own bushmaster has a few added features and one of my main shooters, along with an M&P and a couple of high end Aero rifles. The Bushmaster has sucked up untold rounds with no difficulties.


New member
I have a Bushmaster XM15-e2s A2 Heavy Barrel Target made in 2003.

Very good rifle, very accurate. I have never had any problems with it.